button.back = <Back
button.cancel = Cancel
button.cancelPayment = Cancel Payment
button.changeDates = Change Dates
button.choose = Choose
button.chooseWorkSchedule = Choose schedule
button.confirm = Confirm
button.confirmPayment = Check Payment
button.corrections = Corrections
button.deleteWorkScheduleDays = Remove day
button.export = Export
button.exportAplica = Apply Export
button.exportExcel = Excel Export
button.exportGIAF = Export GIAF
button.exportGIAFP1 = Export GIAF P1
button.exportGIAFP2 = Export GIAF P2
button.exportLeavesToGIAF = Export to GIAF FAULTS
button.exportList = Export Listing
button.exportMovementsToGIAF = Export MOV to GIAF
button.import = Import
button.insert = Insert = Open
button.openMonth = Open days
button.submit = Choose
button.updateExtraWorkAmounts = Update Extra Work
error.acronymAlreadyExists = This acronym already exists.
error.alreadyExistsJustificationForArticle66Days = Already there is justification for active faults due to the holiday period: {0}
error.alreadyExistsJustificationForUnjustifiedDays = There is already an active justification for unjustified absences for missing time: {0}
error.assiduousnessExemption.wrongYear = You can only enter dates in the year {0} and {1} January.
error.cantEditAnualBonusInstallment = You can not change the number of installments in the year indicated, because there are already benefits.
error.clockingIntervalNotInsideDayInterval = The Hours markings must be on time of day.
error.connectionError = Error connecting to Giaf.
error.currentMonthAndPrevious = Invalid date, you can only view the data of the current month and the previous one.
error.datesInclosedMonth = The dates are within one month closed.
error.duplicatedBonus = Copy to the employee premium {0}.
error.emptyDates = Have to fill the dates.
error.emptyScheduleClockingType = Should define: type of markings.
error.errorReadingFile = Error opening file.
error.errorReadingFileLine = Error reading line {0}.
error.existingEquivalentSchedule = The Time {0} is equivalent to the time you are creating.
error.extraWork.totalMonthValueNotEqual = Error with the amounts paid. Total value in the Phoenix {0} - the total amount GIAF {1}.
error.extraWorkAmount.alreadyExistsUnitYear = The cost center indicated already on the list of the year indicated.
error.extraWorkAmount.inexistentCostCenter = The cost center does not exist.
error.extraWorkAuthorization.alreadyExists = There is already a permit for the same cost center in the same period.
error.extraWorkAuthorization.deleteAll = The authorization of overtime work must contain at least one employee.
error.extraWorkAuthorization.invalidPeriod = The end date must be greater than or equal to start date.
error.extraWorkAuthorization.notExist.payingUnit = The cost center paying introduced there.
error.extraWorkAuthorization.notExist.workingUnit = The cost center work introduced there.
error.extraWorkAuthorization.options = You must choose at least one type of overtime work to be performed.
error.extraWorkRequest.emptyPaymentRequest = You must enter the number of overtime hours performed.
error.extraWorkRequest.extraWorkInWeekDaysLimitReached = The Overtime may not exceed the limits of the salary. (Sort: {0}, {1} Already Paid, Application {2})
error.extraWorkRequest.extraWorkLimitReached = Working Extraordinary exceeded limit: {0} {1}
error.extraWorkRequest.extraWorkMonthNotClosed = The month is not closed for overtime work.
error.extraWorkRequest.invalidExtraNightWorkFields = When you fill the hours of overtime allowance and night, the author should fill in the number of hours and the corresponding number of days.
error.extraWorkRequest.invalidNonWorkingDaysExtraWorkRemuneration = Can not choose overtime in non-working days with pay on holidays.
error.extraWorkRequest.invalidRemunerationOptionFields = You can only choose one option if you prefer not to be remunerated.
error.extraWorkRequest.invalidWorkingDaysWorkRemuneration = Night work is paid automatically, no need to request payment.
error.extraWorkRequest.monthNotClosed = The month is not closed.
error.extraWorkRequest.nonWorkedHours = Not enough hours: {0}.
error.extraWorkRequest.notAuthorized = You are not allowed: {0}.
error.extraWorkRequest.notEnoughMoney = There is enough money to pay all requests for overtime work.
error.fixedWorkPeriodNotInsideNormalWorkPeriod = Periods are not fixed within the normal periods of work.
error.installmentsCantBeBeforeYear = Year of benefits can not be less than 2007.
error.installmentsCantReferToSameMonths = Different benefits can not reference the same month.
error.invalidContinuousDuration = One time I still can not be less than {0}.
error.invalidDateAfter = From {0} {1} you should consult your assiduousness information at MyGiaf
error.invalidDateBefore = Invalid date, you can not view data prior to {0} {1}.
error.invalidDateInterval = The start date must be before end date.
error.invalidDates = Invalid date: {0}
error.invalidEmployee = Employee nonexistent.
error.invalidEmployeeAssiduousness = No official attendance.
error.invalidFutureDate = Invalid date, no data after the current month.
error.invalidInstallmentsNumber = Number of invalid benefits.
error.invalidPastDate = Invalid date, you can not view data prior to 2006.
error.invalidPastDateNoData = Invalid date, no data prior to 2006.
error.invalidTimeInterval = The start time must be before end time.
error.mealIntervalNotInsideClockingInterval = The lunch period is not within the schedule of appointments.
error.mealIntervalOverlapsFixedPeriod = The lunch period of not override the fixed periods.
error.monthNotClosed = The month selected is not closed.
error.noWorkScheduleToExport = No entries were made for export.
error.notAllInstallmentMonthsAreClosed = Not all months in the provision are closed.
error.notAuthorized = You are not allowed.
error.overlapingAnotherAssiduousnessStatusHistory = Status is another overlap.
error.repeatedDates = It has the same dates within the same turn.
error.repeatedShifts = It may not have repeated shifts.
error.repeatedYearAndDescription = Already there is a tolerance for this year with this description.
error.sameAssiduousnessStatus = It has the same status as before.
error.schedule.canNotBeNull = You must choose a time to join.
error.schedule.canNotDeleteAllDays = Can not remove all the days of the time.
error.schedule.monthClose = Can not create the time in the specified date, as the months of the year {0} {1} has already been closed.
error.schedule.overlapsAnotherException = There is overlap between the dates entered with the exception of another existing schedule.
error.schedule.overlapsAnotherSchedule = There is overlap between the dates entered with the other existing schedule.
error.schedule.overlapsWithOther = There is overlap between the dates entered with the other existing schedule.
error.scheduleBeingUsedBeforeBeginDate = Invalid expiration date. The times are to be used before the start date indicated.
error.scheduleBeingUsedBeforeEndDate = Invalid expiration date. You can not change the end date to before the current month.
error.timeout = The time has expired.
error.workPeriodLongerThanMaximumWorkPeriod = Periods of work may not exceed {0} hours.
error.workPeriodNotInsideClockingInterval = The periods of work are not within the zone marking.
error.workPeriodsOverided = Work periods can not overlap.
errors = {0}
errors.cannotInsertTimeJustificationsInCurrentDay = Justifications can not enter time for the current day.
errors.cantDelete.datesInClosedMonth = You can not delete because the justification / settlement within a month is already closed.
errors.datesInClosedMonth = The dates of the justification / regularization within a month are already closed.
errors.employeeHasNoSchedule = The employee does not have time during this period of time.
errors.employeeHasNoScheduleOrInactive = The employee does not have time or are inactive during this period of time.
errors.employeeHasPartTimeScheduleInOtherDayTime = The employee has a schedule of part-time outside the period indicated.
errors.error = There was an error. Check the figures.
errors.exportToGiafException = Error exporting to GIAF. May have become data interface in DOT-IST GIAF (should erase the data before making a new way).
Line: {0}
Message: {1}
Data: {2}
errors.hasMoreThanOneOfTheKind = The employee already has a justification of this kind.
errors.inactiveEmployee = The employee is inactive during this period of time.
errors.integer = {0} must be an integer.
errors.invalidA66JustificationMotive = It is not clear justification for absences due to the holiday period.
errors.invalidGiafCodeException = Lack of code GIAF justification for the abbreviation: {0}.
Employee No: {1}.
errors.invalidUnjustifiedJustificationMotive = It is not clear justification for unjustified absences for missing time.
errors.irregularClockings = Number of irregular markings. Has to regularize the markings before inserting a justification.
errors.maxlength = {0} can only have at most {1} characters.
errors.numberOfHoursLongerThanDay = The Number of hours must be less than 24 hours.
errors.overlapingAnOccurrenceJustification = Already have a justification for days.
errors.overlapingOtherJustification = Already there is justification for this time interval.
errors.regularizationOverlapingAnotherAssiduousnessRecord = The regularization is superimposed on other marking or justification.
errors.required = Should define: {0}.
errors.timeJustificationOverlapsWorkPeriod = A justification of time can not overlap a period of work.
errors.workScheduleWithoutSecondPeriod = The hours that day has the 2nd period of work.
label.125.percent = 125%
label.150.percent = 150%
label.200.percent = 200%
label.25.percent = 25%
label.A = The
label.ADISTStaffGiafCode = Code Giaf (ADIST)
label.B = B
label.B100 = B +100
label.B2 = B +2
label.C = C
label.D = D
label.E = E
label.F = F
label.IstIdStaffGiafCode = Code Giaf (IST-ID)
label.a66 = Items marked 66
label.absences = Fouls
label.accumulate = Earns 1 day
label.accumulatedArticle66 = Art 66 accumulated
label.accumulatedArticle66Days = Absences due to the holiday period
label.accumulatedArticle66DaysHeader = Absences (vacation A66)
label.accumulatedUnjustified = Accumulated fouls
label.accumulatedUnjustifiedDays = Unexcused absences for missing time
label.accumulatedUnjustifiedDaysHeader = Fouls (time)
label.accumulatedVacations = Accumulated vacation
label.acronym = Acronym = Active
label.actual = Actual
label.actualWorkTime = Actual work
label.addNewAmount = Add new amount
label.addShiftDate = Add Date
label.addToVacations = Increase the period of vacation that year ...............
label.addToWeekRestTime = Waiver, up to 1 day per week ...............
label.addedAmounts = Funds added
label.ageVacations = Vacations by age
label.amount = Verba
label.annual = Annual
label.antiquityVacations = Vacations by seniority
label.anualBalance = Annual balance
label.anualBalanceToCompensate = Annual balance to offset
label.anulatedClockings/Units = Tags Cancelled / Units Markup
label.approved = Approved
label.art17 = Art 17
label.art17And18LimitDays = Art No Limit 17:18
label.art17And18MaximumLimitDays = Upper Limit Clauses 17:18
label.art17Days = 17 Days of Art
label.art18Days = Clauses 18 days per
label.art66 = Art 66
label.article17Vacations = Vacations by Article 17
label.assiduousnessControl = Attendance Control
label.assiduousnessMonths = Months of attendance
label.auxiliarPersonel = b) of paragraph 3 of Article 27 (drivers, telephone operators and other staff)
label.balance = Balance
label.beginDate = Start Date
label.beginDateFormat = Start Date
(Dd / mm / yyyy)
label.beginHour = Start Time
label.beginHourFormat = Start Time
(Hh: mm)
label.bonus = Awards
label.bonusType = Type Awards
label.bonusVacations = Holiday bonus
label.chooseSchedule = Choose a time
label.clockingTimeSchedule = Time markings
label.clockings/Units = Reservations / Units Markup
label.complementaryWeeklyRest = DSC
label.consultAndExportBonus = Query and Export Awards
label.contractType = Type of Contract
label.contractedStaffGiafCode = Giaf Code (Contractors)
label.correctedOnClosedMonth = Fixed the month
label.correction = Correction
label.costCenter = Cost Center
label.creationDate = Creation Date
label.current = Actual = Date = Day
label.dayTimeSchedule = Opening day
label.dayType = Type of day
label.days = Days
label.delete = Delete
label.description = Description
label.discountA17 = Discounts on the actual work on the A17 and A18 (limits)
label.discountA17Vacations = Discounts on the actual work for holidays A17
label.discountBonus = Discounts on premiums
label.edit = Edit
label.efectiveWorkDays = Days worked
label.efectiveWorkYear = Year referred to the actual work
label.employee = Employee = Employee Name
label.employeeNumber = No employee
label.employees = Staff
label.endDate = End Date
label.endDateFormat = End Date
(Dd / mm / yyyy)
label.endDateOrDuration = End Date / Duration
label.endHour = End Time
label.endHourFormat = End Time
(Hh: mm)
label.endNextDay = End the day
label.executiveAuxiliarPersonel = Paragraph 2 of Article 30 of
label.explorationUnit = Unit operation
label.extraNightDays = Extraordinary Night
label.extraNightHours = days ..........
label.extraWork.monthAmount = Amount of overtime this month
label.extraWork.unitFinalbalance = Ending Balance
label.extraWork.unitInitialbalance = Opening balance
label.extraWorkDoneIn = Extraordinary work done in
label.extraWorkFirstLevel = 1st Category
label.extraWorkSecondLevel = 2nd Category
label.extraWorkSecondLevelWithLimit = 2nd Category (limited)
label.extraWorkVacations = Holiday provision for overtime
label.file = File
label.filename = File Name
label.finalAnualBalance = Balance end of year
label.finalMonthlyBalance = Ending Balance
label.firstShift = 1st Shift
label.fixedFirstWorkPeriod = Fixed Period 1
label.fixedSecondWorkPeriod = Fixed Period 2
label.fixedWorkPeriod = Fixed
label.function = Function
label.future = Future
label.futureBalanceToCompensate = Balance to offset future
label.ganttDiagram.event = Type / Name
label.ganttDiagram.observations = Remarks
label.ganttDiagram.period = Period = Group
label.hasReferenceDate = It has reference date = Holiday
label.holidayHours = In days of additional rest (Holidays )..........
label.holidayWork = Vacation Overtime
label.hour = Time
label.hoursNum = No. Hours
label.hoursNumber = No. of Hours
label.hoursNumbersAuthorized = No. of Hours Authorized
label.hoursNumbersRealized = Number of Hours Completed
label.hoursPerDay = hours per day
label.hoursPerYear = hours per year
label.hyphen = -
label.inExercise = In exercise
label.initial = Home
label.installment = Provision
label.installmentsNumber = No. of Performances
label.irregular = IRREG
label.justification = Justification
label.lastModifiedDate = Date change
label.lastYearExtraWorkVacations = Vacations by providing the extraordinary work of the previous year
label.lowTimeVacations = Holiday-season
label.mandatoryDiscount = Mandatory Discount
label.maximumWorkingDays = Maximum Working Days
label.mealPeriod = Meal
label.minimumInterval = Minimum interval
label.month = Month
label.monthly = Monthly
label.monthlyBalance = Monthly balance
label.monthlyBalanceToCompensate = Month's balance to compensate
label.monthlyResume = Summary of the month
label.months = Months
label.monthsToDiscountInArt17Vacations = Months cashing in Vacations by A17
label.monthsWithUnjustifiedDays = Unexcused Absences months
label.nextYearArticle17Vacations = Vacations by Article 17 for next year
label.nightExtraWork = Night work overtime (paragraph 2 of Article 32 and No. 's 1 and 3 of Article 27)
label.nightExtraWorkFirstLevel = Night 1st Category
label.nightExtraWorkSecondLevel = 2nd Category Night (limited)
label.nightExtraWorkSecondLevelWithLimit = Night 2nd Category
label.nightHours = Normal night ..........
label.nightWork = Night work
label.normalExtraWork = Overtime
label.normalExtraWorkB = d) of paragraph 3 of Article 27
label.normalFirstWorkPeriod = Normal Period 1
label.normalSecondWorkPeriod = Normal Period 2
label.normalVacation = Normal vacation
label.normalWorkPeriod = Normal
label.notApproved = Not approved
label.notes = Note
label.number = No.
label.payingUnit = Cost center paying
label.paymentMonth = Last payment
label.payments = Payments
label.permanentStaffGiafCode = Code Giaf (Pictures)
label.previous = Previous
label.processingInCurrentMonth = Processing for the current month
label.quantity = Quantity
label.referenceDate = Reference date
label.regularization = Regularization
label.remunerationOption = In case you do not choose to be paid:
label.responsibleName = Name of Responsible
label.restore = Retrieve
label.saturdayHours = In days of additional rest (Saturday )..........
label.saturdayWork = Saturday Overtime
label.schedule = Hours
label.scheduleClockingType = Type of markings
label.searchBy = Search for
label.secondShift = 2nd Shift
label.shifts = Shifts = Show
label.spent = Spent
label.spentAmounts = Money spent
label.status = State
label.subCostCenter = Sub Centre
label.subtitle = Legend
label.sundayHours = On rest days per week (Sundays )..........
label.sundayWork = Sunday Overtime = Total
label.totalBalance = Total balance
label.totalHoliday = Total Holidays
label.totalNight = Total Nocturnes
label.totalSaturday = Total Saturdays
label.totalSunday = Total Sundays
label.totalUnjustified = Total unjustified
label.totalWorkedTime = Total time worked
label.type = Type
label.unit = Unit
label.unjustified = Inj.
label.unjustifiedDay = NON INJ.
label.unjustifiedDays = Unexcused absences in full days
label.unjustifiedDaysHeader = Faults (day)
label.unjustifieds = Injs.
label.unusedVacations = Holiday schedule
label.uploadBonusFile = Import File Awards
label.usedArt17Days = Clauses 17 days a marked
label.usedArt18Days = Clauses 18 days a marked
label.usedVacations = Holidays marked
label.vacationDays = Vacation days
label.validity = Validity
label.value = Value
label.view = View
label.week = Week
label.weekDay = Weekday
label.weeklyRest = DS
label.weeklyRestExtraWork = Working on rest days week, additional rest and holidays (Art. 33)
label.workPeriod = Working Period
label.workdayHours = On weekdays ..........
label.workedDays = Days Worked
label.workingUnit = Cost Center
label.year = Year
link.A17Vacations = Vacations by A17
link.addEmployee = Add employee
link.addNewWorkWeek = Add new week
link.allEmployee = All Employees
link.assiduousnessExemptions = Tolerances
link.associateExceptionSchedule = Associate time exception
link.associateWorkSchedule = Associate schedule
link.back = Back
link.balanceResume = Balance Summary
link.byEmployees = By Staff
link.byUnits = For Units
link.calculateA17AndA18 = Calculate A17 and A18
link.clockings = Markings
link.closeExtraMonth = Close Working Overtime
link.closeMonth = Close Month and Export
link.consult = Consultations
link.createAssiduousnessExemption = Insert Tolerance
link.createAssiduousnessStatus = Insert Status
link.createJustification = Build Justification
link.createRegularization = Create Adjustment
link.createStatus = Associate Status
link.dayRegularization = Day
link.deleteExtraWorkRequest = Delete Request
link.details = Details
link.edit = Edit
link.editAssiduousnessStatus = Edit Status
link.editExtraWorkAuthorization = Edit Authorization
link.editJustification = Edit Justification
link.editRegularization = Edit Regularization
link.employeeConsult = Queries per Employee
link.employeeInfo = Information Officer
link.export = Export
link.exportADISTEmployees = Export ADIST
link.exportAssignedEmployees = Leading Export
link.exportByEmployees = Export by Staff
link.exportByUnits = Export by Units
link.exportExtraWork = Export Trab. Extraordinary
link.exportJustifications = Export Justifications
link.exportMonthResume = Export Summaries
link.exportVacations = Export Vacations
link.exportWorkSheets = Export Entries
link.hourValue = Wage Hour
link.insert = Insert
link.insertAuthorization = Enter Authorization
link.insertJustification = Insert Justification
link.insertNewUnitAmount = Insert money for new cost center
link.insertSchedule = Insert Time
link.justifications = Justifications
link.monthRegularization = Month
link.paymentRequest = Payment Request
link.paymentRequests = Payment Requests
link.regularizations = Adjustments
link.removeWorkWeek = Remove weeks
link.schedules = Schedules
link.showAssiduousnessClosedMonths = See Clasps of the Month
link.showAuthorizations = View Commitments
link.showEmployeeSchedule = Time Employee
link.showEmployeeWorkSheet = Employee Entry
link.showVacationsMap = Vacation Map
link.unitAmounts = Funding Cost Center = Holidays
link.viewExtraWorkAuthorization = See Authorization
link.workSheet = Entry
message.accumulate = Accumulate 1 day: Only applicable in the justifications of time. Used to know if is a half-day justification, or accumulate the hours to spend a whole day.
message.actualWorkTime = Actual work: If counts as working hours. Only applicable in the justifications of occurrence and annual compensation for accounting work at night.
message.assiduousness.noEmployees = Is not responsible for the attendance of any employee.
message.cantCloseMonth = Still can not close this month.
message.closeMonthConfirmation = Want to close the month?
message.employee.currentDayIgnored = The current day is not counted.
message.employee.noClocking = Not marked during this period.
message.employee.noInfo = There is no official information on this
message.employee.noJustifications = Has no evidence during this period.
message.employee.noVacationsResume = The summary of your vacation are not in the system.
message.employee.noWorkSheet = You do not have attendance sheet.
message.employee.testPhase = Warning:
The visualization of information from the attendance is in the testing phase.
If you find any error in information provided contact support using:
message.employee.welcomeScreen = Welcome to the official area.
message.employee.welcomeScreen2 = Here you can view your information on the attendance.
message.exportClosedMonth = Export file to the "Apply"
message.extraWorkFirstYearMonthNote = NOTE: Only values are being considered as of May 2007.
message.giafCodes = Codes Giaf (Tables and Contractors): Codes of justification to move to the GIAF. Having code 0 (zero) means that the justification is not passed to the GIAF. Not having code means that this is not supposed to be passed to the GIAF and during the passage trying to pass this code, you will get a message that the justification is corrected (not coded in cases of explanations which are no longer used or in the justifications for ADIST).
message.inExercise = In exercise: If counts as working hours. Used for the calculation of Articles 17 and 18.
message.inexistentCostCenter = There is the cost center indicated.
message.noPaymentRequestInClosedMonth = The indicated month is closed for overtime and no request for payment.
message.noPaymentRequests = There are no requests for payment.
message.requiredField = Fields marked with * are mandatory.
message.successUpdatingEmployeeBonusInstallments = Values imported / updated successfully.
message.successUpdatingExtraWork = Values of overtime updated successfully.
message.successUpdatingInstallmentsNumber = Number of installments successfully updated.
message.transferToGIAF.warning = This month has been transferred to the data GIAF, they may be doubled! Are you sure you want to pass new data?
message.unitExtraWorkPlafon = Location of ceiling lights Working Overtime during
message.uploadBonusFileInstructions = You must enter an excel file with the following structure: