%@ page language="java"%>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html"%>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean"%>
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static String f(String value, Object ... args) {
return String.format(value, args);
Welcome to the application submission process!
After you fill and submit your application form, you are required to upload the following documents:
You can start the filling the application form in two ways: by email or using your National Citizen Card with a smart card reader.
The STORK project is an effort to establish an European Identification Platform that will allow citizens to establish new electronic relations in the European Union, just by presenting their national citizen card. So, in this context you can identify yourself securely and easily.
To fill your application with national citizen card you need a smart card reader to authenticate in the Identification Platform.
At this moment only citizens of Spain and Belgium are able to authenticate in the European Identification Platform <%--
To submit your Erasmus Programme application with your national citizen card click the following link:
<%-- <%= pt.ist.fenixWebFramework.servlets.filters.contentRewrite.GenericChecksumRewriter.NO_CHECKSUM_PREFIX_HAS_CONTEXT_PREFIX %> ">Fill the application form ยป --%>If you don't have a "smart card reader "you may submit the application using email authentication. By registering in the system with the email you receive in your inbox a link that will give access to the application form.
Choose the authentication method to start filling the application form:
After you have submitted the application you can view and edit it. There are two ways to access the submitted application, depending on the authentication method you used.
If you submitted the application authenticating your national citizen card you can <%= pt.ist.fenixWebFramework.servlets.filters.contentRewrite.GenericChecksumRewriter.NO_CHECKSUM_PREFIX_HAS_CONTEXT_PREFIX %>">access it by authenticating using the identification platform.
If you submitted the application authenticating with your email you received an email message with a link which gives you access to your application form.
If you lost the email message you can recover the application link here: <%= pt.ist.fenixWebFramework.servlets.filters.contentRewrite.GenericChecksumRewriter.NO_CHECKSUM_PREFIX_HAS_CONTEXT_PREFIX %>">recover access link
<%--If you submitted the application form using your national citizen card you can access it by authenticating in the Identification Plataform.
To access your application form please follow this link: <%= pt.ist.fenixWebFramework.servlets.filters.contentRewrite.GenericChecksumRewriter.NO_CHECKSUM_PREFIX_HAS_CONTEXT_PREFIX %>">Access to application form
If you submitted the application form using your email you received an email message with a link which gives you access to your application form.
If you lost you can recover by following the link: <%= pt.ist.fenixWebFramework.servlets.filters.contentRewrite.GenericChecksumRewriter.NO_CHECKSUM_PREFIX_HAS_CONTEXT_PREFIX %>">Recover access link