package module.workflow.domain; /* * @(#)domain_model_workflow_1.dml * * Copyright 2009 Instituto Superior Tecnico * Founding Authors: João Figueiredo, Luis Cruz, Paulo Abrantes, Susana Fernandes * * * * This file is part of the MyOrg web application infrastructure. * * MyOrg is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version.* * * MyOrg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with MyOrg. If not, see . * */ valueType as ByteArray { externalizeWith { bytearray getBytes(); } } valueType as Strings { externalizeWith { String exportAsString(); } internalizeWith importFromString(); } class WorkflowSystem { } class WorkflowProcess implements { String processNumber; } class WorkflowLog implements { DateTime whenOperationWasRan; Strings descriptionArguments; } class ActivityLog extends WorkflowLog { String operation; } class LabelLog extends WorkflowLog { String label; String bundle; } class FileUploadLog extends WorkflowLog { } class FileRemoveLog extends WorkflowLog { } class FileAccessLog extends WorkflowLog { } class WorkflowProcessComment implements { String comment; DateTime date; } class WorkflowQueue implements { String name; } class WorkflowUserGroupQueue extends WorkflowQueue { } class ProcessSelectionMapper implements { String classname; } class NodeMapping implements { int nodeOrder; } relation WorkflowflowSystemNodeMapping { WorkflowSystem playsRole workflowSystem; NodeMapping playsRole nodeMappings { multiplicity *; } } relation WorkflowflowSystemProcessSelectionMapper { WorkflowSystem playsRole workflowSystem; ProcessSelectionMapper playsRole processMappings { multiplicity *; } } relation MappedNodeProcessSelectionMapper { NodeMapping playsRole nodeMappings { multiplicity *; } ProcessSelectionMapper playsRole processMapping; } relation NodeMappingNode { NodeMapping playsRole NodeMapping { multiplicity *; } playsRole node; } relation WorkflowflowSystemWorkflowProcess { WorkflowSystem playsRole workflowSystem { multiplicity 1..1; } WorkflowProcess playsRole processes { multiplicity *; } } relation WorkflowflowSystemComment { WorkflowSystem playsRole workflowSystem; WorkflowProcessComment playsRole processComments { multiplicity *; } } relation WorkflowflowSystemWorkflowLog { WorkflowSystem playsRole workflowSystem { multiplicity 1..1; } WorkflowLog playsRole processLogs { multiplicity *; } } relation WorkflowProcessActivityLog { WorkflowLog playsRole executionLogs { multiplicity *; } WorkflowProcess playsRole process { multiplicity 1..1; } } relation WorkflowProcessWorkflowProcessComment { WorkflowProcessComment playsRole comments { multiplicity *; } WorkflowProcess playsRole process; } relation WorkflowProcessesWorkflowQueues { WorkflowProcess playsRole processes { multiplicity *; } WorkflowQueue playsRole currentQueues { multiplicity *; } } relation QueueHistory { WorkflowProcess playsRole processesHistory { multiplicity *; } WorkflowQueue playsRole queueHistory { multiplicity *; } } relation WorkflowSystemWorkflowQueue { WorkflowSystem playsRole workflowSystem { multiplicity 1..1; } WorkflowQueue playsRole workflowQueues { multiplicity *; } } relation VirtualHostWorkflowSystem { playsRole virtualHost { multiplicity *; } WorkflowSystem playsRole workflowSystem; }