uPortal Developers Meeting - August 2004 - MIT

Date and Time

August 30 and 31 (Monday and Tuesday), 2004
9 AM to 4 PM each day

* Developers are encouraged to stay for the remainder of the week (September 1-3) for a coding session. A wireless internet connection will be available, but developers will need to bring their own laptop.  The purpose of this coding session is to give developers a chance to work together in person mostly on the coding of uPortal 3.

Host and Location

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Cambridge, MA, USA
Building W92
Back Bay Room
(Room is reserved 8 AM to 6 PM each day)


Discussion of uPortal 3.
Details TBD...

Helpful Links

MIT map
Local hotels 

Hyatt Regency is nearest to West Campus, which is where the meeting space is.
Hotel @ MIT is nearest to Main Campus.
Both of the Marriott's are in/near Kendall square, which is on the TECH Shuttle route.

Use the TECH Shuttle for transportation from Main Campus to West Campus.

Attendence List

Please RSVP to Ken Weiner

Jim Farmer instructional media + magic, inc.
Michael Ivanov instructional media + magic, inc.
Justin Tilton instructional media + magic, inc.
Michael DeSimone the r-smart group, inc.
Mark Boyd SunGard SCT, Inc.
Mike Zackrison SunGard SCT, Inc.
Peter Kharchenko Unicon, Inc.
Ken Weiner Unicon, Inc.
Luis Mendes University of Delaware

Last updated $Date$

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