uPortal Framework Developers Meeting
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona February 9-10, 2004
[the building this was held in, Coor Hall, was dedicated 1 month
These notes were taken by Michael Oltz and put in his own
words. They do not exhaustively represent every word that was said.
Their intent is to show the topics discussed and the decisions made.
people present:
- Trent[on D.] Adams -- Athabasca
U -- trenta@athabascau.ca
- Nancy Lee -- ASU
- Bob Miller -- ASU -- bob.miller@asu.edu
- Ron Page -- ASU -- ron.page@asu.edu
- Al Wold -- ASU -- alwold@asu.edu
- Dan Ellentuck -- Columbia
U -- de3@columbia.edu
- Alex Vigdor -- Columbia U -- av317@columbia.edu
- Steve Barrett -- Cornell
U -- smb1@cornell.edu
- Michael Oltz -- Cornell U -- mdo1@cornell.edu
- Michael Ivanov -- instructional
media + magic (IMM) -- mvi@immagic.com
- Nate Johnson -- Indiana U
-- natjohns@indiana.edu
- Jim Farmer -- JA-SIG
and IMM. -- jxf@immagic.com
- John Bush -- r•smart --
- Chris Coppola -- r•smart
-- chris.coppola@rsmart.com
- Mike DeSimone -- r•smart
-- mike.desimone@rsmart.com
- Bill Thompson -- Rutgers
U -- wgthom@rutgers.edu
- Dmitriy Kopylenko -- Rutgers U -- dkopylenko@acs.rutgers.edu
- Mark Boyd -- SCT
- Jan Nielsen -- SCT -- jnielsen@sct.com
- Mike Zackrison -- SCT -- mzackris@sct.com
- Dave Wallace -- U Delaware
-- dwallace@udel.edu
- John Blakley -- President of Unicon, sat in on the
morning session.
- Nick Bolton -- Unicon -- nbolton@unicon.net
- Kevin Gary -- Unicon -- garyk@unicon.net
- Shawn Lonas -- Unicon -- shawn@unicon.net
- Ken Weiner -- Unicon -- kweiner@unicon.net
- Andrew Wills -- Unicon -- awills@unicon.net
- Susan Bramhall -- Yale U
-- susan.bramhall@yale.edu
- Howard Gilbert -- Yale U -- howard.gilbert@yale.edu
uPortal and Sakai
-- Jim Farmer
At last fall's developers meeting (at Cornell University),
1) It was agreed that uPortal should support JSR-168
and WSRP
(web services for remote portlets) soon
2) Chuck Severance from UMich mentioned that there should be some
collaboration between uPortal developers and other efforts at Michigan,
Indiana, and MIT.
At MIT, Jeff Merriman was leading the development of OSIDs (OKI
Services Interface Definitions) which were defined as Java APIs.
In September two people from the OSID project met at UMich with people
from several universities and JA-Sig; out of that came a
proposal. It was funded in December by the Mellon
Foundation: Indiana U, UMich, Stanford, MIT -- a project to make
course delivery and management and collaboration tools.
Originally UMich wanted somebody to put Pluto into Jetspeed.
they decided that uPortal may be a better platform to do this with
respect to higher ed,
because it has:
1) internationalization
2) Aggregated layouts
3) Groups and permissions -- it can be overridden to work differently
The second half of Sakai: tried to create a licensing
arrangement to permit corporations to make extensions to it.
Should the OSID services be available only THROUGH the portal
or also OUTSIDE of it?
The two projects compared:
uPortal |
Sakai |
scope |
single product |
multiple [UMich Chef, CuCMS, Stanford Stellar...] |
legacy |
no |
yes |
technology |
java + web services |
java [not web services] |
mode of operation |
[no time pressure, informal] community |
project management |
structure |
not much |
Hierarchical |
"legacy" means, were there substantial existing projects that
needed to
be incorporated
into the new project when it began?
The Cornell meeting was the first one where corporate folk
outnumbered people from higher education.
Biggest implication for JA-SIG is we need to have JSR-168 by
Sakai's schedule, "really fast" rather than at a more moderate pace.
Aggregated Layouts -- Michael Ivanov
Layout content management is related to roles and groups,
and is implemented chiefly in the Java classes AggregatedLayoutManager
There are many early limitations.
Eventually there will be more ability to publish and subscribe, and
So far you have to create fragments in XML and run an ant target
'pushfragment' to put it in the db.
So far fragments are all immutable, and they can only be tabs; you
can't have a column or smaller fragment.
The early limitations are in the manager and store.
Should we do the enhancement in uPortal 2.3 rather than in 3.0?
Pushed fragments -- can be added by administrators; who gets
it is based on groups and permissions.
'Marking nodes' are put in the layout to indicate whether and where a
fragment can be used.
And there are different kinds of restrictions. Hidden, removable,
immutable. And the 'priority range' -- what order does the item appear
in the tab/column tree. Each manager of fragments gets a range of
priorities that they can assign to the fragments they create.
How to do this will be explained in the upcoming uPortal documentation.
In 3.0 he wants to introduce user modifiable fragments. There
are complicated questions as to how the two kinds of fragments will
There are also pulled fragments, that the user could be able
to choose at will, but there is as yet no UI to get to them; the store
and manager know how to handle them though.
Most of the default layouts in 2.2 consist of fragments only.
This has caused some confusion; portal implementers expect them to be
editable in the UI -- not yet!
There is a new target in uPortal called 'initportal' that runs
all the initializations.
The chapters of the docs are checked in to CVS, not complete
as yet.
There is a straightforward way to switch between
AggregatedLayout and Simple. You change the properties for the
layoutmanager and the layoutstore, back to the SimpleLayout versions,
and you'd have to set everybody to the older theme.
Rutgers: is it worthwhile to migrate to 2.2 if you don't want
Aggregated Layouts yet? You can't use the new theme with the old
layouts. [the only thing is the marking nodes information is not in the
old XML, so the users would not be able to edit anything] Peter wanted
to put these nodes into the old layout but it's not finished yet.
Using the old themes with the new layouts. It would render,
but nothing would read the restrictions.
In the old layouts, the knowledge of where stuff can be added or moved
is in the XSLT. In the new layouts, the knowledge is in the manager,
and the layout asks the
manager where it can put stuff.
Who wants either of these? Susan: it would be nice to have a
conversion path. Steve: the UI is changing a lot and needs lots of
staff involved. Jim F.: Jon Allen at IMM is writing user and admin
docs. For sites who are just coming online they can go directly to 2.2.
Peter thought the ability to create and edit fragments would rarely be
used, by admins. Jim: It will be used a lot by faculty.
Susan: simplest conversion would be to go to aggregated
layouts without integrated modes. Then change to the new UI later.
Ken: we need someone to work on an upgrade path.
Michael I: Could we get editors into 2.3 or 3.0?
Dan E: At Columbia only a small percent of users bother to
modify their layouts.
Susan: Some sites have made customized themes not just skins.
Will be hard to migrate.
Ken: A committee to work on migration?
Dave Wallace: What is the timeframe on getting a UI to edit?
Jim: Let's do it immediately. Ken: Doesn't want to commit due
to where would we get the resources.
Alex: Is there a way to do it like CuCMS does where you
could use a channel to edit the XML and write it out from there?
Jim: There aren't many resources available to do this. Hazard
of promising to do this then not doing it.
Bill T: Rutgers' emphasis right now is content, we don't want
to spend time migrating now.
More about Sakai and 2.3/3.0 -- Jim Farmer
Jim Farmer then showed the slides of his presentation on the
status of uPortal, as they
finally had the projector working. These slides will be/are available
He spoke about remaining limitations of the new features.
These are listed on the slides.
In uPortal 2.3 the initial implementation JSR-168 will be done
without regard to
performance. The preliminary WSRP (Web Services Remote Portlet) code
from 2.2 will be completed.
In 3.0. Performance of JSR-168 will be improved. IChannel will
still be supported and existing channels will still work.
Future uPortal priorities are likely to be:
- Stability
- Performance
- Features
- ----
- Product support
- Documentation
- Training
Future JA-SIG priorities are likely to be:
- Applications implemented as portlets or portal channels
- OSPI ePortfolio
- Sakai collaboration tools
- Services oriented architecture
JA-Sig priorities and activities represent interests, needs,
resources of the participants. There are changing needs in higher and
further education, so
the priorities for the uPortal group are changing.
He also showed slides by Lois Brook of Stanford University
describing Sakai Project to U of California CIO's.
Sakai products:
Tool Portability Profile: standard for writing tools to extend
the core
A Technical description
Describe a common path forward.
A complete CMS with assessment tools
Enterprise services based portal
Workflow engine
Research support collaboration system.
Skin in the game
$4m total from the four institutions
$2.4m from Mellon Foundation
Jim quoted Brad Wheeler as saying "There is no Plan B." It
as planned, very fast, or it fails.
Gartner: "By 2007, 80 percent of e-learning platform
functionality will be available through open source (0.7 probability)"
The Sakai Educational Partners Program (SEPP)
Who can be in it:
Ed institutions only
Administrators for planning purposes
Adopters who need support
Developers who want to contribute
What they get:
Can participate in community
Tech support for partners
Tech docs and specifications.
Early access
Access to SEPP staff
Access to knowledgebase
Time base. Jim showed a slide giving dates, all in 2004.
First developers workshop for Sakai will be colocated with summer
JA-SIG meeting, following it. [After the Tempe meeting it was found
out that the date and location of that workshop may be changed] It will
cover the "Tool Portability
Profile" and what has been done to existing products to make them
According to a participant, the Federal govt has an
educational authentication standards
project going. This will recommend a federation rather than a single
national authentication service. It will use "commercially available
software" -- that suggests the Liberty Alliance. Federal govt has
agreement with banking community to use
their ATM-card based identification systems for identification.
Collaboration is not everyone doing the same thing, but
rather, doing different things that work together.
[OSID is on
Sourceforge under 'OKI']
There are two
newsfeeds on the IMM site under uPortal. Watch them often.
Integrated Modes -- Ken Weiner
[already been mentioned but we can talk about it more.]
Since the projector is now working, Ken demonstrated
integrated modes.
The default pushfragments file is in properties/al.
The pushfragment files refer to channels by their functional names.
There is a new icon at the top 'sitemap' that shows a summary of your
layout as a text outline.
Ken wrote a very simple channel to choose the language in which to show
the portal.
There are currently three levels of language settings -- browser,
session, and user. Not yet at channel level.
Steve B asked to demonstrate how to move a channel.
Susan: Top of the portal takes up too much of the screen. Ken:
You could change the theme. with a new integratedmodes.xsl [may also
have to change the skin] Ken: "This happens because Justin works on a
very large monitor, so on his screen it looks really good."
From the theme xsl, there are two links to CSS, one is the
uPortal skin for the page, and another that points to a 'portlet' CSS
so there will be a skin to comply to JSR-168 which has its own CSS
spec. [well, WSIA
standard] We'll need a new CSS for each skin. For 2.3 and 3.0 we
(JA-SIG) will be converting most of
our channels to portlets, and a graphic designer will have to change
the CSS
used by the channel to be the portlet one.
Internationalization (i18n) -- Ken Weiner
Java locale preferences are specified at three levels. There
is an algorithm which determines how the three levels override to
result in one list. The browser strings are not easily parsable into
Java locales. Nobody at the meeting indicated good familiarity with the
issue. This needs addressing. There is an RFC:
2616 section 14.4 that specifies how the browser language settings
supposed to look.
The channel gets an ordered list of locales, and it's up to
the channel to decide how to deliver content based on those locales.
There is a utility put into the XSLT util for
internationalization that can recognize locales. [getTransformer
method] This is what can select different XSLT files based on language.
Right now we have like, six different stylesheets if that one
has been internationalized. And it will get worse as we add more
languages. The building of the language variants should happen at build
time. Can we get a better arrangement of this by 2.3? Right now even if
a language specialist wants to keep their language current, there is no
mechanism to do it.
Alex: I have a utility that inserts resource bundles into XML,
which I wrote for CuCMS,
anyone wants to use that. Alex explained more about how his code works
and pointed out the advantage to doing it that way.
Jim: threw in a caveat that a single English phrase can be
translated various ways depending on the context.
The group began to feel that Alex's way to handle it may be
what we want.
Jim: The original mentor of our i18n project is VP for i18n at
Oracle. We should ask him what he thinks about that.
Jan: We may want to write our own resource bundle code to
customize the behavior.
Shawn: Maybe the language-string reading could happen at
runtime, calling out from XSLT to get them.
Alex: This is sort of what my code does already.
-- Ken Weiner
[he has a long bunch of slides about the topic that he wrote
for doing uPortal 2.2 training; he only showed some of them in this
WSRP in uPortal does everything that Remote Channels did in
2.1. [Nobody present had tried it yet] It only works for some channels
and not others.
There are some bugs that need fixing. There are some known limitations
having to do with authentication and user identity.
Publish parameters -- the Service URL base. Don't forget the
context name if needed. And the portlet handle name which in uPortal is
the functional name. The registration interface in WSRP is optional and
in 2.2 ken didn't implement it; regstration-required services won't
work. The other optional interface is portal entity management. that
isn't in here. One institution in UK was interested.
Next steps for WSRP in uPortal:
Compatibility testing
Consumer URL rewriting
File upload/downloading
Use of Registration Interface
Use of Portlet management interface
Portlet Browsing and Subscription
[all of these things need help, Ken will not be able to do
them all]
Jim asked what is Cornell's interest in WSRP: Steve replied,
he thinks people will eventually stop writing servlets as such and will
write portlets instead, and we will need to prepare for that.
Jim: For people who are writing portlets, which will you use
WSRP or JSR-168?
Bill T: WSRP = remote portlets, which in our experience means
'slow'. They more want local things.
Steve: You could still have a local WSRP.
Alex: If you write JSR-168 then you have WSRP.
Jim: In UK they write WSRP but in USA people seem to want
Ken: Well if they want to use Java then JSR-168 is the way to write a
Jim: a project will begin in UK on Feb 16 to implement a
library system as a web service.
Ken really wants others to test it a lot to help shake out the
[Ken had given a basic training for uPortal 2.2, in France the
previous week]
The people in the France training didn't like the way the
portal controls who can get at a particular portlet. Right now if the
portlet is permitted to the group Everyone, anyone can be a client of
it. They wanted a way to limit this.
There was a discussion about what this meant and how we might
offer what they want. What if uPortal requires registration in the
future? Registration is a temporary thing similar to establishing a
session; it is not a persistent thing. When you connect to a WSRP
producer, you can find out whether the producer requires registration.
Jim: A university should decide on a consistent way to require
registration, so that there's not a different way for every service.
More talk about portlets -- Apache Pluto
-- Ken Weiner
In 2.3, the classic channels will be there, and there will be
one more channel type that would be a portlet. Those channel types
would go through an adapter so the Pluto API will look like an old
In 3.0, Pluto would be 'it'; most of the provided channels
will be JSR-168, and there will be an adapter to make the classic
channel API look like a portlet.
The Pluto build makes three jars.
portlet API jar file - javax.portlet type of code, almost all
interfaces. Likely to be stable
pluto1.0.jar -- the Pluto container -- meant to be imbedded in other
people's portals.
portalImpl.jar -- the part that we're replacing -- this was a minimal
thing written by the Pluto team for testing and demonstration.
Their sources are in several pieces
javax.portlet -- the portal API part -- not yet distributed by Sun.
org.apache.pluto -- the particular Pluto run code
org.apache.pluto.portalimpl -- this was where the portalImpl came from.
Their 'portlet entity' is like uPortal's 'subscribeID' -- an instance
of the portlet for a particular client.
[Ken spent some time going over the arrangement of the Pluto
source and the purpose of some of the packages and classes]
In 2.3, there will be the two jars mentioned above, which will
go into the shared library directory, according to what servlet
container you are using.
Seems to work on Tomcat
and Resin but not on
There is a new package org.jasig.portal.container
In the StaticInformationProvider class there is some
hard-coded information that needs more flexibility as to where it comes
Howard suggested a different way to implement this, having the
Pluto context be separate from the other portal context.
Alex: That means you can use the Tomcat management facility to
take a portlet up and down separately when upgrading them.
The Pluto spec says that you have to define a portlet in
portlet.xml which is to be in WEB-INF. Each of the portlets will have
names. The uPortal adapter will look up the portlet in this file by the
provided I.D. [see ken's explanation in previous session of configuring
such a channel]
Ken is testing with 2 instances of the TestPortlet that comes with the
testsuite portlet application in Pluto.
-- change StaticInformationProvider to come through webapps to get
-- implement DynamicInformationProvider so you can respond to controls
in the portlet.
Ken thinks that much will be done in weeks not months. He is
on vacation in March so he wants to get it done this far before that.
Talk about Peter's ideas for 3.0 -- Ken Weiner
Peter Kharchenko (who works for Unicon but could not come to
the meeting) wants to have a 'portal context' with: a layout generator;
more than one rendering pipeline e.g one through SAX filters, one with
no transformations; and other services. In other words, have the
uPortal be made up of more cleanly delineated snap-together parts, so
that the parts are easier to modify/replace
So there needs to be a pretty concise definition of which
pieces a particular portal implementation should fire up when
initializing. Therefore we should use some standardized way of
specifying this constellation of pieces. Our portal.properties file is
a rather primitive way of doing this, specifying class names.
Apache's Avalon Merlin -- Peter and Michael looked at this.
Bill Thompson has been looking at the Spring framework.
Some work has already been done on Merlin with uPortal so this
is not going to be brought to a halt. Probably soon there will be some
parallel implementation with Spring etc.
The Spring
Experience -- Bill Thompson (Associate Director, new technology),
Dmitriy Kopylenko (Sr. Software Engineer) [Rutgers]
PowerPoint slides for this presentation.
They picked Spring because of architecture, robustness, and
scalability, with respect to focusing on business applications.
Intro to Spring:
J2EE should be easier to use.
Please go look at the JDBC abstraction layer in Spring.
AOP = Aspect Oriented Programming.
[a development methodology which considers the manner in which
an application does things. AO thinking can best be characterized by
sentences beginning with "Whenever". For more information go to the Communications of the ACM
archive and look at the October 2001 issue. -- Mike Oltz]
Dmitriy spoke about how they took Pluto and reimplemented the
portalImpl stuff with Spring. He showed a UML diagram of making
specific Spring-style classes to implement the portalImpl interfaces.
He showed a snippet from an XML file to define the beans for the Spring
initializer. Then a sequence diagram of how the http requests are
handled using Spring.
Is Spring a good fit for uP3?
- Spring is easy to use
- Supports all three IoC types
- No dependencies on framework
- They have found productivity gains
Ken: how many jar files are required for Spring?
Dmitriy: It comes two ways. One enormous jar with everything, or they
have several smaller jars so you can pick and choose a subset if there
are some major features you don't need.
Recommended book in print: Expert
One-on-One J2EE Design
and Development by Rod Johnson [Wrox, presumably now Wiley]
0764543857 $59.99
Forthcoming books on Spring:
Spring Live by Matt
Raible. Sourcebeat
(secure PDF subscription service). May 2004, $29.95
J2EE Development without
EJB, Expert One-on-One by Rod Johnson and Juergen Hoeller.
Wrox/Wiley, May 2004,
0764558315 $39.99
Professional Spring
by Thomas Risberg, Rod Johnson, Juergen Hoeller, Alef Arendsen, plus
contributions from several core
Spring developers. [Publication data not available at time of writing
this report]
Michael showed a UML diagram of some work he is doing (re
Pluto and uPortal 3) and used it as a starting point for his discussion.
Each Merlin "block" can define a context and services to be
used in it.
Some "lifecycle handlers" are provided and you can write your own such.
He spoke about the initialization configuration file, for example how
the 'components' refer to particular Java classes, and one component
can declare that it requires other components.
Another config file outlines the dependencies between components.
Michael then showed the source of several of his classes
regarding how the Merlin code works.
[the conversation then turned to discussing the issue in
Dan: What were the specific advantages sought in deciding to
use a component framework?
Michael: it makes the development better. We don't have to
worry about the lifecycle of any objects, because the component
framework handles this for us.
Bill: One example the "portal context". The Aggregator, Layout
Generator. Using these containers you make it easier to interchange
different implementations, and you put the dependencies and so on into
the configuration files rather than having to hard code it in the Java.
You get a better object model. Better separation of concerns.
The other potential benefit is in the configuration itself.
There are a number of properties files and they are growing. Choosing a
framework should at least rationalize all that down. Improve
Alex: It seems the biggest benefit is consistency. It look to
me as if the capabilities provided by the frameworks are not anything
we couldn't write ourselves.
Bill: At Rutgers we make better architected applications
because we're using Spring.
Steve: Are there tools to help you do all this? Editing XML
[by hand] is a nightmare. They're not meant to be read by humans. How
hard would this be to configure?
Bill: There will be an
Eclipse plug-in for Spring.
[Jim Farmer put the issue of frameworks into the context of
uPortal and Sakai:]
Jim: One of the fundamental questions is -- should you use a
Re Sakai -- they could choose either Jetspeed or uPortal. It
was recommended that they use uPortal because of functionality. But
Jetspeed had chosen Apache Avalon Merlin. The conclusion was, since
Sakai chose uPortal, and the other project they could have chosen was
using a component framework, a framework would be desirable.
Now then, which one? Who makes the decision?
Several mistakes were made. (1) Was this Merlin decision
advice, recommendation, or decision? Jim feels he did not make this
clear. (2) When should this question have been brought to this group?
This question should have been asked of the uportal dev list in
November rather than December or January; it's too late to change the
initial work.
The question is dollars, risk and time. Cannot delay uPortal
past August or preferably July. UMich considers 2.3 to be a fallback in
case 3.0 is not ready. Their initial audience is only 1 or 2 thousand.
1) Continue with Merlin, already 2 months work.
2) Recommend to change over to Spring.
3) What should be discussed in July about frameworks and whether and
The reason for 3.0 is that Peter and some others feel that 2.3
won't scale, and it needs tuning and more things put in. The 'more
things' were decided in December 2003 at some discussions at the winter
JA-Sig conference. And have been mentioned in a slide earlier today
(for 2005 implementation). Basically we are relying on Peter
Kharchenko's decisions regarding this issue.
Susan: Maybe Peter feels that managing so many components
without a framework is too complex.
Best Practices -- Jim Farmer
In higher ed, there are many choices to make in major software
development. How do we apply standards to these projects?
1) Is it appropriate for JA-Sig to have a role in that?
2) How would best practices be defined and advocated? When and under
what circumstances?
From the UK there was a project to connect library systems.
They chose to add name-value pairs to the end of an existing
specification for doing this, because Java cannot handle XML-based
extensions to
standards (problems with marshalling data for persistence or net
transfer). But there were disadvantages to this. Would JA-Sig
appropriately have something to say about situations like this?
Mark Boyd: I think Sun [Microsystems, Inc.--a JA-SIG
contributor], for example would be more likely to
listen to JA-SIG than to a single school.
Chris: We will be ahead of IMS (IMS Global Learning
in our project. [see Chris's session
for the context of this remark.]
Jan: We chose to use the IMS spec. There was a political
advantage in
marketing, but the way the data is converted for being sent makes it
harder to parse it at the other end. Most of the XML standards are
focused on standardizing the data format, rather than focused on
communicating the data from place to place. There are some portions of
the IMS Enterprise that are ambiguous or do not specify features we
found to be needed. So we (SCT) extended the standard for what we need.
Jim: The Department
of Homeland Security will probably require you to change the way
you represent names within the next 12 months. DHS tested 200,000 names
against their database, and got 14,000 false positives, because the way
the names are represented by the various sources of information is not
exact enough.
How do we handle things like what Jan did?
1) Record the changes you made and make them public.
2) During public comment period on the standard, express these concerns
to IMS Global.
3) If too overworked, do nothing. :-)
John Bush: the academic people create the standards but then
the developers in the trenches find out they're to some degree
Chris: There are so many voices speaking to IMS, and the only
ones who have a voice are the ones who pay [membership in IMS]. In
order for JA-SIG to have a voice, either you'd have to speak through an
existing member, or you could have a very public meeting independent of
IMS to review and critique the specifications from the point of view of
developers, then publish the recommendations.
John Bush: Did you have input into JSR-168?
[no, because JA-SIG has not been in a position for the heavy
involvement needed to be in a standards committee.]
Susan: JSR-168 feels like a step backward for uPortal.
Jim: uPortal has been given power because of its deployment.
Howard: We set out to write 'best technology' but JSR-168
sought the lowest common denominator to be able to be inclusive.
[There ensued a debate over whether we were supposed to
'support' 168, as Ken is planning to do in uPortal 2.3, or 'embrace' it
(in that it will be the central kind of 'channel' in uPortal 3.0)]
Jan: You have to focus on the particular technology in
question. What is the advantage of 168 compared to ours? [Jim made an
analogy with error logging] With logging for example, logging is not
our core business, so it's not a big deal to throw out personal code
and use a standard that has reached some maturity even if we lose
flexibility. With using JSR-168 we will be able to write portlets and
use other vendors' which is a tremendous advantage.
[someone] What is the disadvantage of JSR-168?
Howard: With XML we can have uniformity and better security.
With JSR-168's stream of bytes, the framework cannot look at it and
impose uniformity or add security to it. For example we can't handle
mixed content (http/https) any more because we can't find the items
that need to be proxied.
Jan: We would have to impose additional requirements on other
vendors' JSR-168 portlets.
Chris: Then you lose some of the point of having a portlet
Jim: The market does tend to choose less flexible and less
well defined standards because they are simpler and more familiar.
Mark: was the point of JSR-168 an attempt by people with an
installed base to keep the market in their camp rather than losing
people who want to move forward technologically?
Ken: By adding the character stream interface [for rendering
channels] we have already lost this flexibility. It feels like everyone
is clamoring for JSR-168.
Mark: But we added char stream to support legacy apps.
Ken: ... and for those who didn't care about the flexibility
and wanted better performance.
Jim: (1) The market chooses familiar things rather than
current technology, and (2) make sure not to forget to think forward,
not merely support such a standard.
Howard: The way we think about the portal is, the world is XML
and we will parse and render it. The way the others think about portals
is, the world is a set of web pages and a portal aggregates them and
shows them together.
Jim: A corollary -- we should establish best practices for
parties implementing portlets. It looks to me like we're split on
whether we should influence things by quietly deploying what we think
is best, or by directly participating in standards development. If
you're a developer you ought to know or be able to find out how others
have done something similarly. If you want to extend IMS Enterprise for
example, go find out how others have extended it. A communications
point, be sure to communicate to others what you are doing.
Jim: I don't think we could have had an impact on JSR-168
because it was formulated based on what people were doing rather than
on what people should be doing.
Dan: Isn't there an inherent ambivalence in our community? (1)
A bunch of universities get together to do something the way they want,
and it will be cheap. (2) And this is an advantage to corporations and
a way to get business for them. For Columbia for example, a portal is
not their core business, it's a "filing cabinet." I don't see how you
can ever see a harmonic resolution of both perspectives. That's not
bad, we just need to manage the dissonance.
Jim: There are people here who want to do something genuinely
good, in an environment where good enough will suffice.
Often standards representatives are from the marketing part of
their corporations rather than the technical part, even though they may
have a technical sounding title.
Dissonance: (1) Quality vs. good enough. (2) Marketing vs.
development perspectives.
Again, the best way to deal with the dissonance is
Jim: Give me recommendations on what to do, and I will present
it to the board.
Enterprise Architecture and Components -- Jim Farmer
SAP has made
some decisions
that have changed the market
1) Use web services to integrate
2) The "packaged composite applications" approach as explained in the
following two books:
Packaged Composite
Applications: An O'Reilly Field Guide to
Enterprise Software
by Dan Woods. O'Reilly & Associates; 1st edition (June 2003) ISBN:
Enterprise Services
Architecture by Dan Woods. O'Reilly
& Associates;
1st Edition (September 5, 2003) ISBN: 0596005512
[Jim Farmer comments: "Purchasing these two books is not
recommended. The themes and examples would make better short papers
than a book. The overall description of the SAP approach is useful.
Since SAP does have dominance in the ERP sector, they do have power to
define integration].
They developed standards for access to human resources, etc.
If you develop an accounting app for example, would you use
the same interfaces as SAP or develop your own?
What interest would there be in JA-SIG in discussing and
studying how to do integration?
Steve: Spoke briefly about WebMethods at
WebMethods advantages. [by Jim]
1) They developed a tool for automating the design of interfaces to ERP
2) They reverse engineered all the processes in PeopleSoft
3) They put the web services on top of it.
SAP took a similar approach to integration.
OSPI ePortfolio --
Chris Coppola (r•smart)
Project started late in 2002, officially in Feb 2003. It's a
continuation of an electronic portfolio project at U Minnesota for five
or six years.
An electronic portfolio -- a web-based application,
individual-centric, in which the person can store a bunch of stuff
which is samples of their work, or works in progress, for disciplines
such as art and archaeology, which are based more on visual or digital
media than on text or math. If it were an enterprise application, it
would have much more potential because the information can be used for
assessment of progress. And do statistical analysis and so on.
The first step was to remove proprietary ties that UMinn had
used, such as use of PeopleSoft.
In July 2003 the first version came out.
There hasa been a lot of interest in the product. About 850
parties have downloaded the software, 1000 to 1100 people have
registered for the online demo.
After July, how would it go foward, how would it get funded?
They have a different organizational structure. There is a council
(board, re funding and interface to other organizations, procedural
questions) and committers (keepers of the s/w archives, make the
technical decisions).
The original application started out as an archive to
facilitate reflective practices. No assessment or reporting capability.
Yet the community that is interested in portfolios finds assessment
vital, so that will be the focus of version 2 development. But keep the
individual the "center of the universe", unlike course scheduling etc.
Sakai and ePortfolio v2 were funded around the same time and
the list of players overlaps somewhat. So what Sakai is doing will
probably influence ePortfolio development.
U and r•smart co. are working
together on v2.
OKI OSIDs will be used for v2. r•smart
will use the Tool Portability Profile from Sakai. ePortfolio will not
use the digital repository part of OSIDs because they feel it is not
robust enough. Instead they will use Fedora
which is another Mellon funded project.
Jim: OSPI project is important to JA-SIG because
1) For many it will be a standalone application. This is an
architectural problem for how it could be available also as channels.
2) Authorization -- this will require document-level authorization. At
UMinn, a student could grant another person access to part of their
files, even if the person has no affiliation to the institution. [SCT's Documentum has
capability] [Chris: This will be enhanced in future releases of
3) The people who did uPortal had knowledge of what a portal should do.
But there is a diversity of opinion as to what a portfolio is and does.
The student puts the item in; the teacher comments and shows it to the
class; perhaps the student wants to show their work to a potential
employer. If you apply electronically, you are two or three weeks
ahead, because a third-party company is usually contracted to get the
resumes online and it delays the application; the paper form is never
read as such.
Chris: Complexity issues in data standards are going to be
very important. Portfolios must be portable across multiple
institutions and still be individual-centric. For example taking
classes at a community college and using the same files at the
student's job or internship. That's a future issue for OSPI. This will
deploy as standalone, but some institutions will deploy in a portal;
some places will have a hybrid deployment. [so he wants us to expose
OSIDs outside of the portal.]
Jim: I think it's going to be a 'guerilla' application; that
is, it will start quietly in one department's server then gradually
grow out to the university. Another example of use of portfolios is
nursing training where there are specific projects you must accomplish
so it has relevance to certification processes.
[Note by Mike Oltz.. I originally thought Jim said 'gorilla'
but he provided this definition:
A "guerrilla application" is one that is installed, say, in a
department and becomes an enterprise application because it is adopted
one department or user after another. It would never have been approved
as an enterprise system initially. For example, many uPortal
implementations are "guerrilla applications." A "gorilla application"
would be one that everyone has to have, which is what portals are
Susan: are there commercial offerings?
Chris: There are maybe 50 to 100 portfolio applications in
all, maybe 14 or so commercially available [Jim: all with sharply
different functionality]
Ken: Will you use WSRP?
John: Well we'll be using Web Services at some level.
Ken: 168?
John: Yes, because that's what Sakai is using. We did not feel free to
make a different choice.
Ken: they might be able to write WSRP services faster than they could
do JSR-
Chris: V2 is going to be a complete rewrite.
Jim: There is a reason for WSRP, because if you do a 'guerilla'
application in one department, and it gradually grows, having WSRP puts
you in a better position to become mission-critical.
Bill Thompson: We also got a request to have something
standalone and also as a portal. Has anyone else faced this situation?
Jim: Peter Kharchenko did something like that but it was a
long time ago.
Chris: Is there a forum to talk about such [integration]
issues between meetings?
Jim: One problem is to notice and identify the issues. How
would anybody have known that there is a resumé standard heavily
used since last April? There is no mailing list regarding integrating
Bill; Is anyone involved in Open EAI? [U of Illinois]
Jan: SCT is.
Jan: There was a mailing list for developers They wanted to make it
open source but it hasn't happened yet.
John: They said they didn't have the resources to support an open
source community.
Should the JA-SIG take a role in fostering communication among
all these efforts? Or will Sakai do it because it is bigger?
Error Handling
(two proposals for improving error handling in uPortal
Howard Gilbert
1) What is broken in the portal that needs to be fixed?
2) How do you make classes and so on to fix it?
When a top-level method throws an exception,
PortalSessionManager would throw ServletException to the container and
the end user would see a stacktrace.
What Howard did was to catch it in the SessionManager and
trace it on the log. Show a more human message to the user.
Another example, at many places in the uPortal code,
getConnection may throw a null, and the next line of code tries to USE
it without checking.
When database problems are caught--
in the logon you get a SecurityException
in the groups manager you get a GroupsException
but they're BOTH a database problem.
getProperty() if it can't find the file, no value, value bad
format, it throws a RuntimeException.
We didn't have a global strategy for error management.
Misunderstanding of java Exception handling followed stylistic models
rather than solid software engineering design.
trap all errors at component boundaries.
don't allow any errors to percolate up to the container.
Ditto, don't let anything out of a channel to the framework.
Avoid wardrobe malfunctions -- don't hang out in front of a large
Buck Stops here
Classification --
- who -- end user, configuration, network services, programmer
- what: retry, kill session, kill portal
- when -- try again, try later, try tomorrow
- where -- local, caller, portal, end user
- how: log at throw, log at catch, don't log.
ErrorID objects:
Instead of many error classes, have one class and put an errorID into
You call a particular method from all catch clauses and it does much
clerical work, such as trimming down the stacktrace to only show the
part in the portal code.
rewrite getProperty to provide default values, add a throw clause to
throw the PortatlException not a RuntimeException.
[there ensued a debate regarding Howard's contention that a
hierarchy of exception classes is bad.]
Jan Nielsen
From Jan's point of view, SCT have taken the traditional Java
approach, using a hierarchy of classes, and multiple catch clauses.
Agrees no end user should ever see a stacktrace.
Somebody has to write logic to determine whether the exception
was, for example, a database exception or an authentication exception.
The way they do this is to have a database abstraction layer. The
abstraction layer returns a particular kind of object to indicate the
When I design an API with a checked exception, I require the
caller to either handle it or explicitly declare that they are not
handling it. With an unchecked exception, I don't expect the caller to
be able to do anything about it.
[the meeting broke for lunch without resolving the debate. Ken
asked Howard and Jan to have lunch together and debate out the issues.]
Ken said that Howard and Jan made progress toward resolving
their differences and they will take the issue offline and hope to get
a solution plan in a couple of weeks.
Suggestions and ideas from Dan Ellentuck
1) Use Optimized Collections classes
Addresses bugs related to "Concurrency" classes, regarding
concurrent access to maps. Dan found concurrency
classes written by
Doug Lea, that are coming out in JDK 1.5. Presently the package is
called EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.
Dan thinks they are high quality and easy to use.
He specifically looked at the concurrent maps classes.
Compared to collections.synchronizedMap this:
scales much better
High level of concurrency on long running operations
Prevents ConcurrentModificationExceptions under load
Simplifies coding
Another external dependency
Funky package name [as yet]
Background reading:
of JSR-166
An article
on the IBM developerworks site by Brian Goetz about the concurrent
collections classes implementation.
An overview
of the util.concurrent package by Doug Lea.
Trent: Found a bug in his own portal. The javax.naming package
says that it is not synchronized. Do the new classes address this?
[answer was -- makes it possible to put an adapter in front
that will fix the problem.]
Jan: We use those concurrency classes in our own rendering
package. I'm for this.
Bill: We've looked at Doug's code and it has a good
reputation. This will relieve uPortal of maintaining its own
concurrency classes.
Dan: Not entirely. there are parts of our concurrency that
support for example, caching in a multi-server environment, which we
will still need.. But this change will simplify the code and make it
more robust.
The proposal was accepted.
Dan: "After lunch, everybody agrees with everything."
2) The sequence generator.
The current ones (there are two) use a database. There are
collisions and the algorithm can slow the portal to a crawl, especially
when creating a new user. We don't use too many keys now but it may
increase greatly in the future. One time we considered using a UUID for
a key
but discarded that.
Dan suggests: We retrieve sequence numbers in blocks, and add
a block size to the back end table. Modify the code to hit the database
only that so often.
John: What about multi-server usage?
Dan: Well we get the high part of the sequence number from the
db and do the low order counting.
Jan: What about gaps?
Dan: Well, there will be gaps.
Bill: Well, there are a lot of numbers.
The proposal was accepted.
3) Groups System Update Bottleneck
Distinguish between problems of the underlying group service,
and problems of the clients [e.g. manager channels] that use it.
Traversals of the group system can be:
-- outside-in (member.getContainingGroups())
-- inside-out (group.getMembers())
Our optimizations will address one or the other. Each kind of
bottleneck is specific to one or the other.
The chief problem occurs when a group is updated. Most
particularly when the user gets their memberships.
Group system rules are enforced when we add a member to a
member type must be the same as group type
no circular references*
a member cannot belong to a group more than once (members form a set)*
name of member group must be unique within the containing group*
*tested by calling either group.contains(member) or
A group discovers if it contains a member by retrieving all of
its members and examining them
Pros: Simple, fast after first retrieval
Cons: Painfully slow on large (1000s of members) groups
Add 2 methods to store and service api, delegate contains() to
service and/or store, and defer initializing a group with its members
until they are explicitly requested.
1. If members of a group form a set, why not allow adding a
member to a group that already contains it? Membership is unchanged.
don't consider it an error, just don't add them a second time.
2. implementation of containsGroupNamed() is potentially very
expensive. Must member group names be unique? How about groups from
different services?
The problem is if a group contains foreign groups you have to fetch all
the members of the foreign group then ask each member for its name. not
always possible to ask the foreign group 'give me the member which has
such a name' and just look whether it returned an item.
Jan: we implement our group store like in issue 1. So it's not
necessary to for the caller to check for duplication.
We agreed to change group system rules as follows:
- Adding the same member to a group more than once has no
affect, but is not an error.
- Adding a group with a duplicate name to a group is now
permitted. In other words, group "Buddies" may now contain
multiple groups named "My Buddies" so long as each group has a unique
4) When does it make sense to lock a group for update?
when you add a group to another group you need to lock to
prevent circular references.
Do you need to lock when adding leaves? Just prevent race conditions in
the client (the caller).
Trent: If a client tries to reference a group while another
thread is trying to delete the same group, the client might get the
group anyway. But the second time the client tried to get that group it
would not work.
New Group Store based on IPerson Attributes -- Ken Weiner and
Dan Ellentuck
"Person Attributes Group Service" (PAGS)
Ken -- people want to create a group called 'Students'. They
can detect via personattributes how to set up the person. Should be
possible later to query whether the user is a student to drive
authorization. But the way the group service is written now, you'd have
to get the whole list of students from LDAP and then see if the person
is in it. Instead, why not just look directly into the person
attributes from the group system. The present group system has no
handles to IPerson objects. The group service was written to be
independent of the person system, so it has user keys not IPerson stuff.
Dan: -- how do we feel about sharing IPerson attributes, and
the issues of privacy?
Howard: [who wrote the personDirectory service] the current
PersonDirectory stuff reads from one or more LDAP servers and one or
more databases. You could always write code to look in there and decide
what kind of user you have. "The principle was always there." Another
info source that could be used is a SAML
Steve: This would make possible an implementation of
authorization "policies".
Jan: Luminus generally does not use the group structure
because we had an existing infrastructure based on LDAP that scaled
with our needs. We faced the same issue. It's a tradeoff between
acquiring a sufficient number of attributes off the user object
initially to be able to make later decisions, versus getting as thin a
user as possible initially and then force later actual queries to go to
the server. We chose the latter approach to make logins as fast as
Ken: With respect to uPortal, we have already read all the
attributes, so should we create a group service that can access them?
Trent: Is this basically a performance issue?
Ron Page: we would like to have ad hoc groups that are arbitrary
combinations of attributes; to be used for announcements, distribution
lists, etc. It is too much overhead to maintain traditional
groups for all of the possible combinations of attributes.
Susan: It's also a flexibility issue.
Trent: What we did was to add LDAP attributes, such as
Dan: But this is to hit the Person Attributes, not
specifically LDAP.
Jan: We have two kinds of groups, "static groups" where you
specifically list the members in it. and "filters" that you hit against
the directory server and build dynamically.
[the general proposal was accepted]
Ken asked how it should be done. How should the group service
be able to get IPerson? Should the PersonDirectory be extended to have
a static method to get the IPerson for a given person? Some would
prefer that you could only get the attributes map, because there could
be the Security Context in there, and that might give arbitrary code
'access to the world' for that person.
Steve: Why not put some meaningful methods in IPerson?
Ken: Extend IPerson that has no security context in it, give
THAT version to the group service.
Dan: Another requirement is to have multi-valued attributes.
Howard: Several people have tinkered this by putting in a Vector, but
this breaks various places that assumes the result is a String.
Ken: Add a new method that would return a multi-valued thing. Add
another parm in the XML that tells whether the particular store
supports multi-value. If you call the old method on a multi-valued
thing, you will get back what? Decision: the first attribute.
Dan: This kind of design requires that you know in advance
what group you want, and under what circumstances a person is a member
of the group, and then you can associate this with a permission.
Steve: We put in caching so that if the LDAP server goes down
and the user comes back for a later session, they still get the IPerson.
Agenda review for work items -- Ken
2.3 will be out, "my best guess is March" but it will be plus
or minus a month.
It depends on whether he gets done with his part before or after
According to Jim, 3.0 needs to be out in August. Ken does not think
that there is anything other than Sakai dictating this. Ken doesn't
think it can be finished by then. He is not ready to commit to anything
as yet.
Jan: What functional changes do you see between 3.0 beyond
performance improvements?
Ken: The point is to be able to swap major rendering components; it's
not relevant to performance. This will enable later changes such as
handling detached channels. In general it will be the same portal with
some functional enhancements.
The Pluto section is all that has to be in 2.3. Everything else
is at best 3.0 and may be later.
[the following are Mike Oltz's notes about this session; the official
list of items and assignments is that prepared by Ken]
Aggregated Layouts:
UI for managing pushed fragments --
Improve UI for content subscriber - pulled fragments -- Shawn Lonas
Integrated modes theme:
improve usability of the UI -- e.g. graying out unusable controls
More than two skins -- Shawn Lonas
Portlet CSS implementation -- New set of CSS classes for JSR-168 and
WSRP then convert existing portal UI to use those skins -- Shawn Lonas
Migration Instructions and Tools -- Susan Bramhall, Steve
Barrett, Al Wold, one of the UNICON people
Mapping resource bundles into XSLT -- Alex Vigdor, Shoji (XSLT changes)
Session-based locale selector
UI for choosing sorted list of locales
Testing and bug fixing - Steve Barrett
Registration interface - Ken Weiner, Kevin Gary
Authentication? (nebulous at this point)
Consumer URL rewriting
-- consumer gives producer info, producer rewrites -- Ken did this.
-- producer sends templates to consumer, consumer rewrites -- Nick
Pluto: [this is for 2.3]
Static information provider service - Michael Ivanov, Mark Boyd
Dynamic info provider service - Michael Ivanov and ken Weiner
Factory service - Michael Ivanov
Deployment process - going from a portlet class to a packaged
distribution -- Mark Boyd
IoC Frameworks [this is for 3.0]
Configure Pluto container with service components (with Merlin) --
Michael Ivanov
[Ken would like someone try to mirror the effort in Spring]
Bill -- let's discuss on the mail list at what point the parallel
effort begins and how.
Ken -- Peter should comment on that question. In the next month or so
there should be enough converted to be able to begin the comparison.
Howard -- do we stop using properties files a la J2EE and go to the
component framework way, or do we provide a parallel way to configure
via the framework and leave the original ways also.
Doug Lea's concurrency packages -- Dan Ellentuck
Improve sequence generator -- Dan Ellentuck
Groups improvements -- Dan Ellentuck
Person Attributes Group Service -- Dan Ellentuck and Ken Weiner and Al
multi-valued person attributes -- Al Wold and Howard Gilbert [there is
a Bugzilla item requesting this feature]
FERPA concerns [issue was not raised before this point, it was brought
up in a personal conversation during a break] -- Dan Ellentuck and
Steve Valero
Group service paging mechanism [like in a database] so you would get a
specific number of group members at a time, then ask for more -- Dan
Ellentuck, Mark Boyd, Dave Wallace, Al Wold
Error Handling:
Howard and Jan to continue discussion (current plan is to make an
undeclared PortalException that will just percolate up until it hits a
catch somewhere)
i18n of error messages -- Jan Nielsen
Howard: Tomcat 5 is Servlet spec 2.4 which has new methods
that the older HTTPServletRequest doesn't have. Compilation problems.
-- Howard Gilbert
Xerces distributes two different jars. One with DOM2, and an
experimental DOM3. We have PortalDocumentImpl in the utils, and guess
what it breaks against DOM3.
Michael Ivanov: It's possible to use reflection to tell which one you
Support DOM3 in our Document impl -- Nick Bolton.
Dan: I'm very concerned about the OKI issue. We need to hear
concretely what we expect the relationship between the OKI and the
uPortal API's will be, so we can react to that.
Ken: We called Sakai and talked on the phone but that didn't
work well, we got confused. So we asked them for a paper document with
a diagram of the interfaces they expect to see. They haven't provided
that yet; we need to remind them we're waiting for that.
Howard: Suppose that 2.3 is really close, and 3.0 is however
far off. Will Sakai require something else to be put in in between?
Will we need a 2.4 release?
Jim: Which do you do, propose a solution because it meets our
understanding of the requirements, or do we wait to get a definition
and respond to it? I think they haven't said anything because they
really don't know yet. [In yesterday's first session, Jim had a slide
in which] I put most of the things on the above list, into 2005.
There's no guarantee they'll get done soon. Indiana U. has some things
that they need to migrate their portal onto uPortal, and those things
are not on the 2.3 or 3.0 list.
end of document |