uPortal by JA-SIG


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RegisterStyleSheet: Add/Delete/Modify/Register Stylesheet tool

uPortal comes with a reference structure and theme stylesheet. To change the final rendering of a uPortal layout, it may be necessary to author and install new stylesheets. The RegisterStylesheet tool can be used to install new stylesheets and their accompanying stylesheet description files.

Usage: registerStylesheet -(s|t) [-(u|d)] [stylesheetURI] [stylesheetDescriptionURI] [stylesheetId]

The stylesheetId must be specified for update and delete operations.The URIs must be specified for add and update operations.The CLASSPATH environment variable should be set up to include both "uPortal/build" and "uPortal/build/WEB-INF/classes" dirs.

For deployment all stylesheets are moved under the "/stylesheet/" directory, so the URI for a stylesheet will always begin with "/stylesheet/", unless you're specifying a global URL (which is not recommended).

Stylesheet description files (.sdf) are moved to the same location, so their URI should be specified in the same manner. For example to specify a URI for a tab-column.xsl (part of the distribution), use "/stylesheets/org/jasig/portal/layout/tab-column/tab-column.xsl".

Flag specification:

-s : process structure stylesheet (either "-t" or "-s" are required on the command line

-t : process theme stylesheet (either "-t" or "-s" are required on the command line

-u : update stylesheet definition

-d : remove stylesheet


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