uPortal by JA-SIG


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The tables.xml file is used by the DbLoader program to create and populate database tables used by uPortal. The following is an example of a portion of tables.xml:

<desc>Entries that uniquely identify a portal session for a particular user<
<column> <name>USER_ID</name> <type>INTEGER</type>
<desc>Internal sequence id of a user's portal information - unique user
identifier - primary key, see UP_SEQUENCE</desc>
<column> <name>USER_NAME</name> <type>VARCHAR</type> <param>35</param>
<desc>Authentication prinicipal - Foreign key to up_person_dir</desc>
<column> <name>USER_DFLT_USR_ID</name> <type>INTEGER</type>
<desc>use the information from this user id as a default, that is a back
up to revert to if user makes mistakes changing content or profile, and the initial layout for a user.</desc>
<column> <name>USER_DFLT_LAY_ID</name> <type>INTEGER</type>
<desc>Portal uses the layout from this layout ID to revert back to, and
the initial layout for a user.</desc>
<column> <name>NEXT_STRUCT_ID</name> <type>INTEGER</type>
<desc>NEXT_STRUCT_ID used by the user in layout - found in up_layout_ struct based on user. Each user has a seperate, unique, sequence of struct_ids </desc>
<column> <name>LST_CHAN_UPDT_DT</name> <type>TIMESTAMP</type>
<desc>Date time of last time channels were updated - It is set when a user adds a channel to his or her layout. The channel manager will be able to (not yet) present a list of channels added since the last time the user checked. </desc>
... </tables>
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