Setting up A Microsoft SQL Server DatabaseOverviewMicrosoft SQL Server (MSSQL) is a commercial database product available from
Microsoft at Obtaining the DriverAn MSSQL JDBC driver is available through Microsoft at: Once the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC package has been downloaded the jar file must be copied to a location accessible from uPortal (for example, /usr/local/java/mssql/lib/mssqlserver.jar). Properties ConfigurationThe uPortal build.properties may need to be modifed. Find the property called jdbcDriver and change it to point to the MSSQL jar file, for example: jdbcDriver.jar=./lib/mssqlserver.jar The uPortal rdbm.properties file (in the properties directory) may need to modified to specify the driver properties. The rdbm.properties file contains several sample entries. Uncomment (or add) the lines for the MSSQL database and make whatever changes necessary to match your local database installation, For example: #### Microsoft SQL Server The dbloader.xml properties file (also in the properties directory) may also need to be modified. This file is used by the DbLoader tool to create the uPortal database tables and populate the database. It contains several sample entries which create db-type-mappings for different databases. Find the tags for an HypersonicSQL database and modify the db-version, driver-name, and driver-version as necessary. For example: <db-type-mapping> The PersonDirs.xml file (also in the properties directory) may need to be modified; This file is used if the database is to be used to provide user directory information <!-- JDBC Properties --> Loading the DatabaseLoading the database requires a couple of steps
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