package module.metaWorkflow.domain; /* * @(#)domain_model_metaWorkflow.dml * * Copyright 2009 Instituto Superior Tecnico * Founding Authors: João Figueiredo, Luis Cruz, Paulo Abrantes, Susana Fernandes * * * * This file is part of the MyOrg web application infrastructure. * * MyOrg is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version.* * * MyOrg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with MyOrg. If not, see . * */ valueType as Strings { externalizeWith { String exportAsString(); } internalizeWith importFromString(); } class WorkflowMetaType { String name; String requestHandler; Integer processCounter; Strings suporttedFileClasses; } class WorkflowMetaTypeVersion { boolean published; Integer version; DateTime datePublication; String publicationMotive; String metaTypeDescription; } class MetaField { MultiLanguageString name; Integer fieldOrder (REQUIRED); String ojbConcreteClass (REQUIRED); } class MetaFieldSet extends MetaField { } class StringMetaField extends MetaField { } class StringsMetaField extends MetaField { } class DateTimeMetaField extends MetaField { } class LocalDateMetaField extends MetaField { } class FieldValue { String ojbConcreteClass (REQUIRED); } class FieldSetValue extends FieldValue { } class StringFieldValue extends FieldValue { String stringValue; } class StringsFieldValue extends FieldValue { Strings stringsValue; } class DateTimeFieldValue extends FieldValue { DateTime dateTimeValue; } class LocalDateFieldValue extends FieldValue { LocalDate localDateValue; } class MetaProcessState { MultiLanguageString name; Integer position (REQUIRED); } class MetaProcessStateConfig { } class WorkflowMetaTypeSpecificLayout { String body; String shortBody; String header; } class WorkflowMetaTypeSpecificActivity { String activityClass; } //FENIX-345: TODO remove this class (use the embedded WorkflowMetaTypeVersion) class WorkflowMetaTypeDescription { String description; int version; DateTime date; } class Requestor { } class ExternalRequestor extends Requestor { String name; String email; } class MetaWorkflowInitializer { } class WorkflowUnitQueue extends .module.workflow.domain.WorkflowQueue { } class WorkflowMetaProcess extends .module.workflow.domain.WorkflowProcess { String instanceDescription; String subject; DateTime creationDate; Boolean open; } class UserRequestor extends .module.metaWorkflow.domain.Requestor { } relation WorkflowUnitQueueUnit { WorkflowUnitQueue playsRole queues { multiplicity *; } .module.organization.domain.Unit playsRole unit; } relation WorkflowUnitQueueAccountabilityType { WorkflowUnitQueue playsRole usedQueues { multiplicity *; } .module.organization.domain.AccountabilityType playsRole accountabilityTypes { multiplicity *; } } relation WorkflowQueueWorkflowMetaType { .module.workflow.domain.WorkflowQueue playsRole queues { multiplicity *; } WorkflowMetaType playsRole metaType; } relation WorkflowMetaTypeAccountabilityType { WorkflowMetaType playsRole workflowMetaTypes { multiplicity *; } .module.organization.domain.AccountabilityType playsRole supportedAccountabilityTypes { multiplicity *; } } relation RequestorWorkflowMetaProcess { WorkflowMetaProcess playsRole process { multiplicity *; } Requestor playsRole requestor; } relation UserRequestorUser { playsRole user; Requestor playsRole requestor; } relation WorkflowMetaTypeOrganizationModel { WorkflowMetaType playsRole metaType { multiplicity *; } .module.organization.domain.OrganizationalModel playsRole organizationalModel; } //FENIX-345: TODO refactor, remove this relation relation WorkflowMetaProcessWorkflowMetaType { WorkflowMetaProcess playsRole metaProcesses { multiplicity *; } WorkflowMetaType playsRole metaType { multiplicity 1..1; } } relation WorkflowMetaProcessWorkflowMetaTypeVersion { WorkflowMetaProcess playsRole metaProcesses { multiplicity *; } WorkflowMetaTypeVersion playsRole metaTypeVersion; } relation WorkflowMetaTypeVersionWorkflowMetaType { WorkflowMetaTypeVersion playsRole versions { multiplicity *; } WorkflowMetaType playsRole metaType { multiplicity 1..1; } } relation WorkflowMetaProcessFieldSetValue { WorkflowMetaProcess playsRole process; FieldSetValue playsRole fieldSet { multiplicity 1..1; } } relation WorkflowSystemWorkflowMetaType { .module.workflow.domain.WorkflowSystem playsRole workflowSystem { multiplicity 1..1; } WorkflowMetaType playsRole metaTypes { multiplicity *; } } relation WorkflowSystemWorkflowMetaTypeVersion { .module.workflow.domain.WorkflowSystem playsRole workflowSystem; WorkflowMetaTypeVersion playsRole metaTypeVersions { multiplicity *; } } relation WorkflowSystemWorkflowMetaTypeDescription { .module.workflow.domain.WorkflowSystem playsRole workflowSystem; WorkflowMetaTypeDescription playsRole metaTypeDescriptions { multiplicity *; } } relation UserWorkflowMetaTypeDescription { playsRole versionOwner; WorkflowMetaTypeDescription playsRole metaTypeDescriptions { multiplicity *; } } relation UserWorkflowMetaProcess { playsRole creator; WorkflowMetaProcess playsRole metaProcesses { multiplicity *; } } relation MetaTypeObserver { playsRole metaTypeObservers { multiplicity *; } WorkflowMetaType playsRole observedMetaTypes { multiplicity *; } } relation WorkflowMetaTypeDescription { WorkflowMetaType playsRole metaType; WorkflowMetaTypeDescription playsRole descriptions { multiplicity *; } } relation WorkflowMetaTypeWorkflowMetaTypeSpecificLayout { WorkflowMetaType playsRole metaType; WorkflowMetaTypeSpecificLayout playsRole specificLayout; } relation WorkflowMetaTypeWorkflowMetaTypeSpecificActivity { WorkflowMetaType playsRole metaType; WorkflowMetaTypeSpecificActivity playsRole specificActivities { multiplicity *; } } relation WorkflowInitializerMyOrg { MetaWorkflowInitializer playsRole metaWorkflowInitializer; playsRole myOrg; } //FENIX-345: TODO refactor, remove this relation relation WorkflowMetaTypeFieldSet { WorkflowMetaType playsRole metaType; MetaFieldSet playsRole fieldSet { multiplicity 0..1; } } relation WorkflowMetaTypeVersionFieldSet { WorkflowMetaTypeVersion playsRole metaTypeVersion; MetaFieldSet playsRole fieldSet { multiplicity 1..1; } } relation MetaFieldMetaFieldSet { MetaField playsRole childFields { multiplicity *; } MetaFieldSet playsRole parentFieldSet; } relation FieldValueFieldSetValue { FieldValue playsRole childFieldValues { multiplicity *; } FieldSetValue playsRole parentFieldSet; } relation FieldValueMetaField { MetaField playsRole metaField; FieldValue playsRole fieldValues { multiplicity *; } } //FENIX-345: TODO refactor, remove this relation relation WorkflowMetaTypeMetaProcessState { WorkflowMetaType playsRole workflowMetaType; MetaProcessState playsRole processStates { multiplicity *; } } relation WorkflowMetaTypeVersionMetaProcessState { WorkflowMetaTypeVersion playsRole workflowMetaTypeVersion; MetaProcessState playsRole processStates { multiplicity *; } } relation WorkflowMetaTypeVersionUser { WorkflowMetaTypeVersion playsRole publishedWorkflowMetaTypeVersions { multiplicity *; } playsRole publisherOfVersion; } relation MetaProcessStateMetaProcessStateConfig { MetaProcessState playsRole metaProcessState; MetaProcessStateConfig playsRole configs { multiplicity *; } } relation MetaProcessStateConfigMetaProcessState { MetaProcessState playsRole dependedStates { multiplicity *; } MetaProcessStateConfig playsRole dependingConfigs { multiplicity *; } } relation MetaProcessStateConfigMetaField { MetaField playsRole dependedFields { multiplicity *; } MetaProcessStateConfig playsRole dependingStateConfigs { multiplicity *; } }