--------------------------------- Information / Channel collections --------------------------------- News and information on the RSS format - Proposal for an RSS module that can be used to connect RSS news items to topics defined in OPML, XTM, or RDF. Seems well aligned with published subjects. http://matt.blogs.it/specs/ENT/1.0/ - Latest RSS News http://blogspace.com/rss/ - RSS Feeds (RSS Info) http://blogspace.com/rss/writers - RSS Readers http://blogspace.com/rss/readers - Information on the RSS format and specifications http://blogspace.com/rss/rss10 RSS 2.0: http://backend.userland.com/rss RSS 1.0: http://purl.org/rss/1.0/spec RSS 0.93: http://backend.userland.com/rss093 RSS 0.92: http://backend.userland.com/rss092 RSS 0.91: http://backend.userland.com/rss091 RSS 0.9: http://my.netscape.com/publish/help/quickstart.html - Very good tutorial on RSS by Mark Nottingham http://www.mnot.net/rss/tutorial/ List of News Feeds: - Extensive list at moreover: http://w.moreover.com/categories/category_list_rss.html - http://www.newsisfree.com/ - Very Good hints: http://www.voidstar.com/node.php?id=144 - meerkat news channel add to URL to retrieve as RSS &_fl=rss&t=ALL - http://www.syndic8.com - http://www.javablogs.com - Entry page of the Open Directory to Weblogs http://dmoz.org/Computers/Internet/On_the_Web/Weblogs/ - Java and J2EE Weblogs http://radio.weblogs.com/0107789/stories/2002/06/03/javaAndJ2eeWeblogs.html ----------------- Concrete Channels ----------------- - Cafe Fort : Jazz, coffee and web - almost everyday. Personnal thoughts, web technologies, standars, art and life style. http://www.cafefort.com/rss20.php - Joe Walnes: The musings of a ThoughtWorker obsessed with Agile, XP, maintainability, Java, .NET, Ruby and OpenSource. http://joe.truemesh.com/blog/index.rdf - Ara Abrahamian: Memory Dump Blog http://www.jroller.com/rss/ara_e - Patrick Lightbody: Another Java Blogger http://www.lightbody.net/~plightbo/index.rdf - Cafe au Lait Java News and Resources http://www.ibiblio.org/javafaq/today.rss - java.sun.com is the premier source of information about the Java platform. http://servlet.java.sun.com/syndication/rss_java_highlights-PARTNER-20.xml - Java Today on java.net http://today.java.net/pub/q/java_today_rss?x-ver=1.0 - Artima Java Buzz: A community of webloggers who post primarily about Java. http://www.artima.com/buzz/feeds/java.rss - JavaWorld.com: Fueling Innovation http://www.javaworld.com/index.xml - Marcus Ahnve: Computer geeky stuff like Java, Linux and XP http://ahnve.com/marcus/blogs/xmlsrv/rss2.php?blog=5 - Mark Pilgrim's WebLog (Python and the Web) http://www.diveintomark.org/xml/rss.xml - Slashdot Developers: News for nerds, stuff that matters http://slashdot.org/developers.rdf - TheServerSide: J2EE Community Forum http://www.theserverside.com/rss/theserverside-1.0.rdf - Martin Fowler's cross between a blog and wiki of ideas on software development http://martinfowler.com/bliki/bliki.rss - Matt Mower's Action Journal (live topics, k-log, radio, RSS, blogging) http://matt.blogs.it/rss.xml - Prag Dave's Weblog (Co-Author of "The Pragmatic Programmer") http://www.pragprog.com/pragdave/index.rss - Andy's Weblog (Co-Author of "The Pragmatic Programmer") http://www.toolshed.com/blog/index.rss - bloggy: Thoughts, rants, and photos (Movable Type Blog) http://bloggy.com/mt/index.rdf - A resource for Java, J2EE, and Jini developers (Bill Venners) http://www.artima.com/newatartima.rss - Patrick O'Brien's weblog about Python/Jython and open source development issues http://www.orbtech.com/blog/pobrien/index.rdf - Jason Hunter weblog (Java, Servlets, JDOM and open source) http://www.servlets.com/blog/index-all.xml - Google Weblog from Aaron Swartz The latest news on everyone's favorite search engine. http://google.blogspace.com/index.xml - Linux Journal Newsfeed http://www.linuxjournal.com/news.rss - The Outerthought Java & XML Weblog. http://blogs.cocoondev.org/stevenn/index.rss - Salon.com: "Salon makes you think." http://www.salon.com/feed/RDF/salon_use.rdf - JSP Insider Site News http://www.jspinsider.com/jspinsider.rdf - Geek news http://geeknews.net/backend.php - Linux central http://linuxcentral.com/backend/lcnew.rdf - Wired news http://www.wired.com/news_drop/netcenter/netcenter.rdf - Step Two: News and opinion on all things KM & CM http://www.steptwo.com.au/columntwo/index.rdf - ia/ - news for information architects http://www.iaslash.org/module.php?mod=node&op=feed - News about syndication using XML (from Bill Kearney) http://www.syndic8.com/~wkearney/blogs/syndic8/index.xml - rebelutionary: Mike Cannon-Brookes on Java, J2EE, OSX, Open Source, Australia, Atlassian and more... http://blogs.atlassian.com/rebelutionary/index.rdf - The Roller Weblogger, open source Java, and other disjointed ramblings... http://www.rollerweblogger.org/page/roller - Matt Raible (raibledesigns, co-developer of Roller) http://www.raibledesigns.com/page/rd/ - News from Java-Channel.org (collaborative Java review database) http://pharos.inria.fr/Java/exportRSS-091.jsp - New releases out on sourceforge (RSS 0.91) http://sourceforge.net/export/rss_sfnewreleases.php - Nice personal page from Vattekkat Satheesh Babu using Movable Types http://vsbabu.org/ ------------------ Channels in german ------------------ - Spiegel news feed (german news magazine) http://bootleg-rss.g-blog.net/spiegel_de.php - Hamburger Abendblatt (german newspaper) http://www.abendblatt.de/z/newsticker/ticker_ha.xml - Semantic Pool Weblog (german) http://www.semanticpool.de/index.xml - Tagesschau (german broadcasting station) http://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker.rdf - Heise Newsticker - Nachrichten aus der Welt des Computers http://www.heise.de/newsticker/heise.rdf - Pro-Linux - Wir geben Ihrem Computer das Leben zurück http://www.pl-forum.de/backend/pro-linux.rdf - Rollberg News - Die etwas anderen Nachrichten http://rollberg.antville.org/rss10 - Der Schockwellenreiter - Die tägliche Ration Wahnsinn http://www.schockwellenreiter.de/rss.xml