$Id: BUILDING.txt,v 1.9 2004/01/30 20:55:46 niko_schmuck Exp $ Building Informa ================ To build Informa from the src distribution or CVS just execute the Ant build script (it is assumed that you have a Java Development Kit (JDK) version 1.3 or later already installed). If you have a recent version of Ant (otherwise get it from http://jakarta.apache.org/ant/) available on your system you should be able to type 'ant' on the command line to execute the build.xml script. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preparement: Please make sure you copied build.properties-template to build.properties and modify to your local environment. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are the build targets: compile - Compiles the Informa sources. jar - Builds the Informa JAR. Note that the JAR is in the build/lib directory. compile.test - Compiles the sources of the test cases. hibernate.mapping - Generates hibernate mapping configuration documents. hibernate.dbscheme - Creates Data Definition Language for hibernate backend. hibernate.initdb - Generates hibernate DB schema according to DDL. test - Runs all the test cases. test.brief - Runs only one given test case ('-Dtestcase=FQCN'). clean - Removes the build directory. javadoc - Creates all JavaDocs for the Informa API. dist.src - Creates source distribution (with JavaDocs). dist.bin - Creates full binary distribution (with JavaDocs). Please see the build.xml file for more information. If you have any questions, please post them to the Informa mailing list which can be reached via . More information on this project can be found at . Have fun, Niko Schmuck