package; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeSet; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This renderer allows a format string to be used conditionally, depending on * the rendered object's value * * @author jcrn */ public class ConditionalFormatRenderer extends OutputRenderer { private final Map conditionalFormats; public ConditionalFormatRenderer() { conditionalFormats = new Hashtable(); } /** * The format is associated with a condition that indicates if this format * can be used for this slot. * * The condition is defined by specifying two parameters: * * - useFormatIf (must be TRUE) * * - useFormatIfNot (must be FALSE) * * If both parameters are specified, the condition is true if useFormatIf is * TRUE _AND_ useFormatIfNot is FALSE. * * If none of the parameters are specified, the condition is always TRUE. * * When more than one format can be used for this slot, the one with the * lowest order is used. */ public static class ConditionalFormat { public static final Comparator COMPARATOR_BY_ORDER = new Comparator() { @Override public int compare(ConditionalFormat o1, ConditionalFormat o2) { return o1.getOrder().compareTo(o2.getOrder()); } }; private String format; private String useFormatIf; private String useFormatIfNot; private Integer order = 0; private Boolean escaped = Boolean.FALSE; private Boolean useParent = Boolean.FALSE; /** * The format is simple string with a few rules to indicate where slot * values will be placed. An example string is * *
         * "${name} is ${age} years old"
* * Assuming that we are taking about an object that represents a person * and has a getName() and getAge() methods * this format would produce something like: "Jane Doe is 20 years old" *

* Any literal text will be present in the output. Slot values can be including by surrounding the slot name in * ${<>}. Additionally you can indicate how to format each value. This is specially usefull if * you want to present dates. * *

         * "${name} was born in a ${birthdate,%ta}
* * Could present something like "Jane Doe was born in a Sunday" . You can use use the same syntax that is * accepted by # {@link String#format(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object[])}. * * @property */ public void setFormat(String format) { this.format = format; } public String getFormat() { return format; } public void setUseFormatIf(String useFormatIf) { this.useFormatIf = useFormatIf; } public String getUseFormatIf() { return useFormatIf; } public void setUseFormatIfNot(String useFormatIfNot) { this.useFormatIfNot = useFormatIfNot; } public String getUseFormatIfNot() { return useFormatIfNot; } public void setOrder(Integer order) { this.order = order; } public Integer getOrder() { return order; } public void setEscaped(Boolean escaped) { this.escaped = escaped; } public Boolean isEscaped() { return escaped; } public void setUseParent(Boolean useParent) { this.useParent = useParent; } public Boolean isUseParent() { return useParent; } } public ConditionalFormat getConditionalFormat(String name) { ConditionalFormat format = conditionalFormats.get(name); if (format == null) { format = new ConditionalFormat(); conditionalFormats.put(name, format); } return format; } public void setFormat(String name, String format) { getConditionalFormat(name).setFormat(format); } public void setUseFormatIf(String name, String useFormatIf) { getConditionalFormat(name).setUseFormatIf(useFormatIf); } public void setUseFormatIfNot(String name, String useFormatIfNot) { getConditionalFormat(name).setUseFormatIfNot(useFormatIfNot); } public void setOrder(String name, String order) { getConditionalFormat(name).setOrder(Integer.valueOf(order)); } public void setEscaped(String name, String escaped) { getConditionalFormat(name).setEscaped(Boolean.valueOf(escaped)); } public void setUseParent(String name, String useParent) { getConditionalFormat(name).setUseParent(Boolean.valueOf(useParent)); } @Override protected Layout getLayout(Object object, Class type) { return new FormatLayout(); } private class FormatLayout extends Layout { @Override public HtmlComponent createComponent(Object object, Class type) { if (object == null) { return new HtmlText(); } TreeSet orderedFormats = new TreeSet(ConditionalFormat.COMPARATOR_BY_ORDER); orderedFormats.addAll(conditionalFormats.values()); for (ConditionalFormat format : orderedFormats) { Object usedObject = getTargetObject(object, format); Boolean useFormatIfResult = null; Boolean useFormatIfNotResult = null; try { if (format.getUseFormatIf() != null) { useFormatIfResult = (Boolean) RendererPropertyUtils.getProperty(usedObject, format.getUseFormatIf(), false); } if (format.getUseFormatIfNot() != null) { useFormatIfNotResult = (Boolean) RendererPropertyUtils.getProperty(usedObject, format.getUseFormatIfNot(), false); } } catch (ClassCastException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } if ((useFormatIfResult == null && useFormatIfNotResult == null) || ((useFormatIfResult == null || useFormatIfResult) && (useFormatIfNotResult == null || !useFormatIfNotResult))) { String formatedObject = RenderUtils.getFormattedProperties(format.getFormat(), usedObject); return new HtmlText(formatedObject, format.isEscaped()); } } // If no format condition is true return new HtmlText(RenderUtils.getFormattedProperties(null, object)); } private Object getTargetObject(Object object, ConditionalFormat format) { if (format.isUseParent()) { PresentationContext parentContext = getContext().getParentContext(); return (parentContext == null) ? null : parentContext.getMetaObject().getObject(); } else { return object; } } } }