/* * @(#)SearchByInvoiceWidget.java * * Copyright 2010 Instituto Superior Tecnico * Founding Authors: Luis Cruz, Nuno Ochoa, Paulo Abrantes * * https://fenix-ashes.ist.utl.pt/ * * This file is part of the Expenditure Tracking Module. * * The Expenditure Tracking Module is free software: you can * redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version * 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * The Expenditure Tracking Module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with the Expenditure Tracking Module. If not, see . * */ package pt.ist.expenditureTrackingSystem.presentationTier.widgets; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import module.dashBoard.presentationTier.DashBoardManagementAction; import module.dashBoard.presentationTier.WidgetRequest; import module.dashBoard.widgets.WidgetController; import module.workflow.presentationTier.ProcessNodeSelectionMapper; import module.workflow.presentationTier.actions.ProcessManagement; import org.apache.struts.action.ActionForward; import pt.ist.bennu.core.domain.contents.Node; import pt.ist.bennu.core.presentationTier.actions.ContextBaseAction; import pt.ist.bennu.core.util.BundleUtil; import pt.ist.bennu.core.util.ClassNameBundle; import pt.ist.expenditureTrackingSystem.domain.acquisitions.PaymentProcess; import pt.ist.expenditureTrackingSystem.domain.dto.SearchByInvoiceBean; import pt.ist.fenixWebFramework.renderers.components.state.IViewState; import pt.ist.fenixWebFramework.renderers.model.MetaObject; import pt.ist.fenixWebFramework.renderers.utils.RenderUtils; import pt.ist.fenixWebFramework.servlets.filters.contentRewrite.GenericChecksumRewriter; @ClassNameBundle(bundle = "resources/ExpenditureResources", key = "title.widget.searchByInvoice") /** * * @author Bruno Santos * */ public class SearchByInvoiceWidget extends WidgetController { final public static String NOT_FOUND = "NF"; final public static String SINGLE_FOUND = "SF"; @Override public void doView(WidgetRequest request) { request.setAttribute("searchBean", new SearchByInvoiceBean()); } @Override public ActionForward doSubmit(WidgetRequest request) { SearchByInvoiceBean searchBean = getRenderedObject("searchByInvoiceBean"); List processesFound = new ArrayList(); for (PaymentProcess process : searchBean.search()) { if (process.isAccessibleToCurrentUser()) { processesFound.add(process); } } try { String write = null; if (processesFound.size() == 0) { write = SearchByInvoiceWidget.NOT_FOUND; } else if (processesFound.size() == 1) { PaymentProcess process = processesFound.get(0); List nodes = ProcessNodeSelectionMapper.getForwardFor(process.getClass()); String url = GenericChecksumRewriter.injectChecksumInUrl(request.getContextPath(), ProcessManagement.workflowManagementURL + process.getExternalId() + "&" + ContextBaseAction.CONTEXT_PATH + "=" + ((nodes.size() > 0) ? nodes.get(nodes.size() - 1).getContextPath() : "")); write = SearchByInvoiceWidget.SINGLE_FOUND + url; } else { request.setAttribute("multipleProcessesFound", processesFound); return DashBoardManagementAction.forwardToWidget(request); } HttpServletResponse response = request.getResponse(); response.setContentType("text"); ServletOutputStream stream = response.getOutputStream(); response.setContentLength(write.length()); stream.write(write.getBytes()); stream.flush(); stream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } protected T getRenderedObject(final String id) { final IViewState viewState = RenderUtils.getViewState(id); return (T) getRenderedObject(viewState); } protected T getRenderedObject(final IViewState viewState) { if (viewState != null) { MetaObject metaObject = viewState.getMetaObject(); if (metaObject != null) { return (T) metaObject.getObject(); } } return null; } @Override public String getWidgetDescription() { return BundleUtil.getStringFromResourceBundle("resources/ExpenditureResources", "widget.description.SearchByInvoiceWidget"); } }